One of PRISA's main shareholders is a relative of the Emir of Qatar

The curious coincidence between Hezbollah and the newspaper El País that explains certain lies

There are some left-wing media whose fanatical hatred of Israel leads them to lie and manipulate in the most shameless way.

Lebanese Christian MP blames Iran and Hezbollah for devastation in Lebanon
The CNMV report that indicates why El País treats Israel with so much hostility

However, in some cases there is more than just fanaticism behind this hatred. Let's look at an example from today. This Sunday, the socialist newspaper El País, one of the media outlets supporting Pedro Sánchez's government, published this headline: "Israel is pushing Hezbollah into a war that the militia has been avoiding for months." A disgusting headline that blatantly lies and calls a criminal group on the European Union list of terrorist organisations a "militia".

Recall that after the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7, 2023 against Israel, the largest massacre suffered by the Jewish people since the Holocaust, and while the Israel Defense Forces was defending itself against that aggression, Hezbollah joined Hamas on October 8 in launching mortar fire from Lebanon. It was the beginning of a long series of attacks that last to this day. In the past 11 months, Hezbollah has launched more than 8,200 projectiles at Israel, attempting to indiscriminately kill Israeli civilians.

In addition to receiving military, arms and economic support from Iran, Hezbollah also receives funding from Qatar. They are united by a deep hatred of Israel in particular and Jews in general, a hatred that drives Qatar to finance antisemitic terrorism (not only that of Hezbollah, but also that of Hamas).

And this is where we discover a curious coincidence between El País and Hezbollah: according to the CNMV, one of the main shareholders of the PRISA Group, which publishes that newspaper, is the Qatari magnate Khalid Bin Thani Bin Abdullah Al Thani. He is a member of the Board of Directors of PRISA and president of the Qatar Islamic International Bank. In addition, the PRISA shareholder is a member of the Al Thani, the most powerful family in Qatar, to which the current head of state of that absolute monarchy, Emir Tamim bin Hamad al Thani, belongs. To this day, that Qatari shareholder is still listed on PRISA's website.


Photo: Hezbollah terrorists armed with Kalashnikov rifles and an RPG-7 grenade launcher.

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