They left behind teddy bears, clothes, toys and other personal items

Yellow Dog Village, a ghost town that looks as if people have suddenly run away

In 1920, a mining village was established in Armstrong County, near Worthington, Pennsylvania, in the northeastern United States.

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This village was built by the Pittsburgh Limestone Corporation to house workers at a nearby mine. The town's name has a curious origin. The company offered a deal to these workers, giving them housing and job security in exchange for their refusal to form a union. Workers who agreed to this kind of deal were disparagingly nicknamed "yellow dogs" by unionists. The villagers took the insult with pride and named their small community, which included a store and a church, Yellow Dog Village.

The miners of Yellow Dog Village (Photo:

The houses had no running water, but this small community thrived until the mine closed in the 1950s. Many people left the village in search of work, but some of its inhabitants stayed, taking advantage of the creation of an underground mushroom farm. Running water came to the village in the 1970s, but in the 2000s people began to fall ill due to the appearance of Escherichia coli bacteria in the water supply. In 2012 the village was evacuated and all its inhabitants were evicted.

The main street of Yellow Dog Village in a photo from the first half of the 20th century (Photo:

Today, the village is a private property, whose owners give guided tours in an attempt to preserve the memory of what Yellow Dog Village once was. If you want to visit it, check out their official website. A few days ago, the channel Ruin Road published an interesting video showing this village and telling its history:

You can see some screenshots from this video here. The village has the appearance of having been a peaceful rural community.

The houses were made of wood and had three floors. They are relatively well preserved despite years of abandonment.

The strangest thing about this ghost town is inside its houses. They are preserved as if the people had suddenly fled. In this house they left behind the piano and the Christmas tree.

In this other house there is a pair of teddy bears next to a photo taken with a baby in that same place, many years ago. There are more stuffed animals, clothes, personal diaries, toys and other personal items abandoned in the houses, as you can see in the video.

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