An American family's experience at Blackhall Mountain, Wyoming

Watching a thunderstorm from a mountain lookout at 3,300 meters

Thunderstorms are natural phenomena that have always fascinated me. They are an amazing spectacle of light and sound.

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Whenever I can capture a storm with my SLR camera, I never miss the opportunity. However, I can say that a thunderstorm in the mountains is a radically inadvisable experience, and I say this because I was once surprised by one. However, there are people who love strong emotions and who have the opportunity to experience something like this from a safe place.

Blackhall Mountain Lookout (Photo: U.S. Forest Service).

This is the case of a family from the United States who went to the Blackhall Mountain lookout point, located at 3,300 meters in the Sierra Madre mountain range (Wyoming). It is a forest surveillance post built in 1963 and can accommodate four people. Since it is not used all year round, the US Forest Service offers it as accommodation and does so with this text: "Don’t miss the beautiful Wyoming sunrises and sunsets and an occasional lightning storm from the wrap-around catwalk offering 360-degree views!"

This family posted their experience a few days ago on the YouTube channel Tiny Cabin Life:

You can see some screenshots from this video here. Here you can see the impressive landscape surrounding this viewpoint.

As the Forest Service says, the sun gates are very beautiful (although I personally miss an estuary like the one in Vigo for them to be perfect).

It must be said that this tower is specially prepared to withstand storms, since this is an area with many thunderstorms.

This is how the thunderstorm that the family saw started. You can see it in the video. I can imagine what would happen if I took my teddy bear Bilbo to a place like this to see a storm: he would spend the whole time hiding under his blanket (he is a very scared bear).

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