Hezbollah fired more than 8,200 projectiles from Lebanon into Israel in 11 months

Lebanese Christian MP blames Iran and Hezbollah for devastation in Lebanon

The Middle East is on the brink of a new war in Lebanon, and many Western media outlets are pretending not to know who is behind it.

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More than 8,200 projectiles launched by Hezbollah against Israel from Lebanon in 11 months

Yesterday, the Israel Defense Forces denounced that the Islamist terrorist group Hezbollah has launched more than 8,100 projectiles from Lebanon against northern Israel in the past 11 months, "killing Israelis, burning our fields and forcing our people out of their homes", a campaign of attacks that "is why are determined to put a stop to Hezbollah’s terrorism." To this figure we must add that this evening, Hezbollah launched more than 100 rockets at Galilee and northern Israel: "Millions of people had to run to shelters", the State of Israel announced.

Hezbollah was created in 1982 and receives military, arms and financial support from Iran. Today it is one of the largest terrorist groups in the world and, in practice, the owner of a large part of Lebanon, a traditionally Christian country, which was once described as the Switzerland of the Middle East (many compared Beirut to Paris) and which today lives in poverty, with an ever-increasing exodus of Christians, largely driven by incessant Muslim immigration, which has made Islam the majority religion in the country.

Nadim Gemayel points to Iran and Hezbollah as culprits

Yesterday, Lebanese MP Nadim Gemayel of the Christian Kataeb party made significant statements to Al-Hurra TV, as reported by IMLebanon, in which he pointed to Iran and Hezbollah as the culprits of the devastation in Lebanon:

"Someone must take responsibility, and it is clear that whoever started the war is the one responsible for the problems, the destruction and the devastation. We would not have reached these scenarios if it were not for a decision by Iran and Hezbollah to include Lebanese lands in the framework of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and to include Lebanon in the front of support for Gaza, which brought all the destruction and devastation that we can no longer bear because it crossed the border."

He denounces the intimidation process against those who oppose Hezbollah in Lebanon

Gemayel added: "There is no official Lebanon and unfortunately the government is trying to create itself, but it cannot implement anything in Lebanon." The MP also noted that "It was not Lebanon that declared war on Israel, but rather a group of militias and terrorist organizations, and they are responsible for the destruction."

The Lebanese politician also denounced the dictatorial situation in Lebanon due to the influence of the aforementioned Islamist terrorist group, pointing out that for four months, "we have been witnessing a process of demonization, intimidation and fear of anyone who tries to confront Hezbollah, who they consider an Israeli agent." Gemayel stated that "we want to liberate our country, whose culture they are trying to change and impose an Iranian agenda on, which is unacceptable."

Gemayel denounces that Hezbollah has "control of the State" in Lebanon

The Kataeb MP also denounced that "for five years we have lived without distinction between the state and Hezbollah, because it took control of the state and elected Michel Aoun as president and obtained a parliamentary majority." Aoun heads the so-called March 8 Alliance, a coalition of pro-Syrian parties that is allied with Hezbollah. Aoun is now a staunch ally of that terrorist group, of which he even affirm in 2017 that it plays "a complementary role to the Lebanese Army."

In 2016, Iran called Aoun's election in Lebanon a victory for Hezbollah. A victory that has also made the Lebanese government one of the allies of the Islamist dictatorship in Tehran. This explains the Lebanese government's tolerance and complicity with Hezbollah's constant attacks on Israel, by means of projectiles launched from Lebanese territory.


Photo: Kataeb.org.

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