Of the five proposed texts, this was only included in the Greens/EFA's

The far-left manages to sneak abortion into a resolution on military aid to Ukraine

The culture of death seems to permeate everything that some political groups do in the European Parliament, as was seen this week.

The attempt to turn abortion into a 'right' in the European Union: what each MEP voted for
Shameful pamphlet of the People's Party and the left to impose abortion in Poland

On Thursday, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on military and financial aid to Ukraine, calling on EU countries to lift current restrictions preventing Ukraine from using Western weapons systems against legitimate military targets in Russia. The resolution was adopted by 425 votes in favour, 131 against and 63 abstentions.

The text of the resolution can be read here (PDF). The surprise comes when reading that point 15 of the resolution includes the promotion of abortion, using as an excuse Ukrainian women who have been victims of rape. Let us remember that in a pregnancy due to rape there are two victims: the raped woman and the baby. Thus, this text intends that in a rape one of the victims be punished. Significantly, the text does not ask for the death penalty for rapists, but for one of the victims, victims who are Ukrainian babies, since they inherit the nationality of their mothers.

It should be noted that this resolution replaces the texts presented by five political groups: The Greens, the socialists, Renew, the European People's Party and the conservatives of the ECR. Looking at the texts, one can observe a curious detail: the mention of abortion only appeared in the text of the Greens, a group that has been gathering to far-left parties such as the BNG, ERC and Catalunya en Comú, some of which hold pro-Russian positions.

The voting results can be viewed here (PDF, page 124). Vox MEPs abstained. This party has been clearly supporting the Ukrainian cause since even before the start of the Russian invasion on 24 February 2022. At the same time, Vox is a pro-life party that firmly rejects abortion, so it cannot support a text that contemplates the promotion of this atrocity by also killing Ukrainian babies. In fact, Vox has expressly voted against this pro-abortion point.

As you know, I have been defending the cause of Ukraine for years and I understand Vox's abstention: it is the same thing I would have done in the face of that infamous text that uses the excuse of military and financial aid to Ukraine to promote abortion. What I do not understand is that dozens of ECR ​​MEPs have supported this, approving with their vote a text in which the far left has snuck abortion. The ECR has been holding pro-life positions and this text is incompatible with those positions. You cannot simply sign anything proposed by the left under the pretext of supporting Ukraine.


Main photo: Pxhere.com.

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