One of them is an old tanker truck of the United States Air Force

Two military vehicles abandoned in the middle of a forest in the English countryside

Many military vehicles are sold to other countries or to private individuals when they are retired from service. Others end up scrapped.

The German forest near Aachen in which there are four abandoned tanks
Old Sherman tanks from World War II that are abandoned in a desert in Chile

In some cases, vehicles are abandoned, and sometimes in rather strange places. This is the case of two military vehicles that have been found by a group of British explorers in the middle of a forest in the English countryside. The exact location is not indicated in the video, but as you can see, they are in a restricted area (although the warning sign is quite old). VacantHaven published the video of this discovery three weeks ago:

You can see some screenshots from this video here. At the beginning, an underground bunker appears, with a vault in the shape of a semicircular arch.

The most interesting find is a 1966 GMC 5500 A/S 32R-5 tanker truck, with U.S. Air Force markings. These trucks were used to supply fuel to aircraft at air bases. They were used for many years, well into the 1990s.

Next to the GMC truck is a dumper from the British brand Thwaites. It is a vehicle used in public works to remove debris and other materials.

Nearby is another military vehicle, a 1980 British LDV Sherpa van, with the steering wheel on the right side of the cabin. It is a mystery what these vehicles are doing there abandoned in the middle of a forest.

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