The Popular Party has not yet accepted that Vox's votes do not belong to it

New warning to the PP: Vox votes do not support inequality among Spaniards

The Popular Party (PP) has been displaying a very mistaken idea of ​​what Spanish politics is, in general, and of Vox in particular.

What idea of ​​democracy do some media outlets have that get angry when Vox criticises the PP?
The very different ways that the PP and Vox have of 'standing up' to Pedro Sánchez

The PP continues to believe that Vox is obliged to give it its votes

The PP leadership treats Vox as if it were a party that was obliged to give its votes to Feijóo's party, regardless of what that party defends, even on issues that clash with Vox's principles. Yesterday we saw a new example. Yesterday, Congress voted on a PP motion that appealed to the "defense of equality among all Spaniards" against the Catalan quota recently negotiated by Sánchez and his separatist allies.

The PP appeals to equality and at the same time defends regional privileges

The PP motion can be read here. Curiously, the text mentioned equality between Spaniards in its title, but only one of the points in the text included that principle, specifically point 3, which stated the following: "Financial sufficiency and the provision of services under equal conditions throughout the national territory must be guaranteed." The problem is that this equality is not only undermined by the Catalan quota, but also by the Basque and Navarrese quotas.

Yesterday Vox stated that it presented amendments to that text "to end inequality between Spaniards", but the PP rejected them. Vox repeated yesterday what it has been saying for years. Let us remember that in 2021 Vox criticized the Basque quota for being a privileged tax system that "favors the corruption of the PNV" (Basque Nationalist Party).

Vox rejects all regional quotas: the PP does not

Regarding the new Catalan quota, on August 15, Vox already pointed out that the PP "says it is against the Catalan quota and, at the same time, defends the Basque quota", which is not defending equality between Spaniards, but defending privileged treatment for some and discriminatory treatment for others. Yesterday, Vox once again stated its principles: it wants to "eliminate the Catalan quota, but also the Basque one, the Navarrese improvement and any type of privilege that breaks the equality between Spaniards." Vox denounced that the PP "refuses to eliminate the Basque quota and the Navarrese improvement that imply an inequality between Spaniards."

Vox avoided supporting the political scam proposed by the PP

For this reason, and being consistent with its principles, Vox pointed out that in yesterday's vote "it has abstained because the PP has not accepted our amendments to end the inequality between Spaniards". Of course, and as often happens in such situations, PP-related media have been quick to accuse Vox of doing Sánchez a favor: a blatant lie that aims to hide the inconsistency of the Popular Party, which criticizes Sánchez for granting privileges while the PP itself defends those privileges for two regions: a political scam.

Unlike the PP, Vox has once again acted coherently

This Wednesday, during that vote, Vox acted in coherence with its principles and with respect for the commitments made to its voters, and that, as a Vox voter, I think deserves thanks. On the contrary, the PP has to explain what idea of ​​equality it has by defending a privileged treatment for two Spanish regions, the Basque Country and Navarre, while criticizing the Catalan quota. In any case, with yesterday's vote, the PP learned again the hard way that Vox's votes do not belong to it. Vox's support is not obtained in exchange for anything, and even less in exchange for contempt. Take note of this for tomorrow.


Photos: Vox Congreso / Partido Popular.

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