A different vision from that offered by most mainstream media

Three conservative sites to follow Spain's political news in English

It's been seven years since I started publishing articles in English on this blog, all of them translations of my articles in Spanish.

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Currently, the English edition of this blog, Counting Stars, covers different aspects of current affairs, not just politics. My intention with this edition was to give a point of view on current political events in Spain different from that which appears in many media outlets, generally aligned with the ideological dogmas of the left.

Obviously, this is a blog, published by one person, and life doesn't allow me to do everything I would like. That's why I want to recommend several news sites in English for those who want to follow current political events in Spain:

If you know of any other sites like these that are worth checking out, please let us know in the comments below.


Photo: Elentir.

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