Javier Milei and Santiago Abascal lead the signatories of this declaration

Foro Madrid shows its support for Ukraine and rejects interference from Iran, China and Russia

This Friday, the Madrid Forum presented its "Declaration of the River Plate" on the second and final day of its meeting in Argentina.

Foro Madrid and the role of Vox and the PP in the opposition to socialism in Ibero-America
Nazi and communist scums vomit their antisemitic hatred on Santiago Abascal

Yesterday I already told you about this meeting here, entitled "Río de La Plata 2024" and which, at the initiative of Vox Spanish party, brought together the president of Argentina, Javier Milei, the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, and political representatives of the conservative right from several countries in Ibero-America and Europe. A top-level meeting that serves to strengthen opposition to socialism on both sides of the Atlantic.

At the end of this meeting, Abascal read out the aforementioned "Declaration of the River Plate", the content of which reflects the approaches of the participants in this event and their concerns regarding the events that are occurring in Latin America and Europe. The text denounces the "dictatorial regime of Nicolás Maduro" and also criticizes "the ambiguity of governments and supranational organizations that do not recognize Edmundo González Urrutia as the elected and legitimate president of the Republic of Venezuela, especially by the EU and the Spanish government".

Furthermore, the declaration denounces "the totalitarian regimes of Bolivia, Cuba and Nicaragua" and also denounces the leftist governments of Gustavo Petro, Lula da Silva, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Xiomara Castro, Gabriel Boric, Pedro Sánchez and others, whom it accuses of "destroying democracies from power." But the declaration does not limit itself to pointing out the tyrants of Ibero-America, but also denounces their international sponsors. Point 4 of the declaration states the following:

"We reject the penetration of totalitarian powers and enemies of the West such as Iran, China and Russia into Ibero-America and Europe, which attack the sovereignty of nations, as is the case with the invasion of Ukraine, which has the right and duty to defend itself."

A statement that I subscribe to and applaud, as does the statement in point 5 of the declaration:

"We express our solidarity and support for the people of Israel and their right to defend themselves, we denounce the collaboration of the members of the São Paulo Forum, the Puebla Group and the Progressive International with terrorism in all its forms and we condemn the equidistance shown by supranational organizations between the terrorism of Hamas, Hessybula and Iran on the one hand and the democracy of Israel on the other."

It is a cause for celebration to read a manifesto like this proclaimed from Argentina, especially considering that the Ibero-American left has been actively supporting the enemies of the West, especially Russia and Palestinian terrorists, for years. You can listen to Santiago Abascal reading this statement here (the video is in Spanish, you can activate automatic English subtitles in the bottom bar of the player):

For your interest, I offer below the full text of this statement translated into English:

1. We will not rest until the decision of the Venezuelan people, expressed massively in the elections of July 28, is accepted by the dictatorial regime of Nicolás Maduro. We reject the ambiguity of governments and supranational organizations that do not recognize Edmundo González Urrutia as the elected and legitimate president of the Republic of Venezuela, especially by the EU and the Spanish government.

2. We will continue to denounce the links between the Sao Paulo Forum, the Puebla Group and the Progressive International with organized crime; as well as their methods of destroying democracies from power, as Gustavo Petro, Lula da Silva, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Xiomara Castro, Gabriel Boric, Pedro Sánchez and others have been systematically doing.

3. We will continue to support the struggles of the peoples subjected by the totalitarian regimes of Bolivia, Cuba and Nicaragua, until they achieve full liberation, restore their democracies and their rights, and recover the sovereignty of their nations.

4. We reject the penetration of totalitarian powers and enemies of the West such as Iran, China and Russia into Latin America and Europe, which attack the sovereignty of nations, as is the case with the invasion of Ukraine, which has the right and duty to defend itself.

5. We express our solidarity and support for the people of Israel and their right to defend themselves, we denounce the collaboration of the members of the São Paulo Forum, the Puebla Group and the Progressive International with terrorism in all its forms and we condemn the equidistance shown by supranational organizations between the terrorism of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran on the one hand and the democracy of Israel on the other.

6. We hope for Donald Trump's victory in the US elections next November. A victory for Kamala Harris would be a severe blow to the Western Hemisphere and to freedoms, due to her pro-socialist ideology, her links to the radical left and her desire to limit freedom of speech.

7. We reaffirm our will to continue waging a relentless cultural battle to defend the West against destructive cultural Marxism and totalitarian social engineering in all its manifestations, whether called wokism, progressivism or socialism of any kind.

President Javier Milei and Santiago Abascal headed the list of speakers at the Meeting. Among others, the Argentine Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs, Luis Petri and Diana Mondino, also participated in the meeting; the spokesman for the Presidency of the Nation, Manuel Adorni; José Antonio Kast, founder of the Republican Party of Chile; Senator Paola Holguín and Representative Hernán Cadavid of Colombia; the former Foreign Minister of Brazil and advisor to the International Area of ​​the Disenso Foundation, Ernesto Aráujo; the MEP and director of the Disenso Foundation, Jorge Martín Frías; the Vice President of the Patriots for Europe Group of the European Parliament, Hermann Tertsch; Fratelli d’Italia MEP Carlo Fidanza; and senior researcher and development director of The Heritage Foundation in the United States, Mike González and Andrew Olivastro. Foro Madrid also received a message of thanks from María Corina Machado from Venezuela.


Foto: Foro Madrid.

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