The new president of the CGPJ is a judge from an association related to the PSOE

Members close to the PP grant control of the Spanish Judiciary to the socialists

Pedro Sánchez has today completed his assault on the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), and this thanks to the help of the Popular Party.

The PSOE refuses to depoliticize Justice: the pact signed with the PP was just smoke
CGPJ: a betrayal disguised as a success that depends on the word of a liar

The agreement between PP and PSOE to share the Judiciary

As you may recall, on June 25, the PSOE and the PP agreed to share the CGPJ, the last institution that the socialists had not yet managed to storm. The PP defended this pact by assuring the following: "It guarantees independence, eliminates political control and ensures a balanced composition of the CGPJ." A curious "independence" with half of the councillors appointed by the PSOE and the other half by the PP, and with the promise that the election system would be reformed so that judges would elect judges, as required by the Council of Europe.

Vox described this pact as a "betrayal": "hands over justice to Sánchez"

The day the agreement was announced, Vox called it a "betrayal". Santiago Abascal then wrote some words that have turned out to be prophetic: "The national leadership of the PP shares the judges with the PSOE and hands over Justice to Sánchez, just when corruption surrounds him, and in the middle of his coup against the Constitution, the separation of powers and the equality of Spaniards before the law. They legitimize Sánchez's coup and entrench him in power, which is increasingly absolute."

24 hours later, the Sánchez government refused to depoliticize Justice

The media close to the PP defended this pact as a success, but the agreement actually depended on the PSOE's willingness to respect its commitment to depoliticize justice. Sánchez and his party have lied countless times, and they did so here too: just 24 hours after signing that pact with the PP, the Sánchez government denied having committed to changing the election system and defended what the PSOE has always supported: a politicized Justice in which the members of the CGPJ are appointed by the majority parties.

PP-aligned members hand over the CGPJ and the Supreme Court to the left

This Tuesday, the assault on the Judiciary by the Socialists was completed with a trap. The government made the PP believe that the leftist magistrate Isabel Perelló was not to its liking and the PP-aligned members of the CGPJ have supported her as their new president and as president of the Supreme Court. The CGPJ has already announced her election and media close to the PP are already presenting her as a consensus candidate and as a success of the wing of the CGPJ close to the PP.

The reality is that Perelló is a member of the association Judges for Democracy (JJpD), which has acted for decades as the PSOE branch in Justice. Thus, her election guarantees the PSOE that the CGPJ and the Supreme Court will be presided over by a judge close to the socialists. Sánchez has already expressed his satisfaction, stating: "Today Spain is recovering institutional normality." A "normality" that consists, apparently, in having a politicized Justice system.

The other institutions that the PP has been handing over to the PSOE

Once again, the PP has proven to be the best ally of the socialists to perpetuate Sánchez in power and give him control of all institutions. Let us remember that since 2021, the PP has handed over to the PSOE the Court of Auditors, the office of the Ombudsman, the RTVE Council, the Constitutional Court and the Central Electoral Board. Because of the pacts signed by the PP and the PSOE, Spain now looks more like Maduro's Venezuela than a Western democracy.


Photo: GTRES.

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