It does this, once again, with its infamous recipe of giving in to terrorists

The infinite wickedness of the left: it comes to the aid of Hamas after murdering six hostages

The left is always ready to give in to terrorism and shift the blame for terrorists onto democratic governments.

Hamas murders six hostages: let us remember who gives oxygen to these terrorists
Three months since Hamas attacked Israel and three masks that the far-left has lost

The precedent of the 11-M attacks in Spain

It doesn’t matter when you read the first paragraph of this article: this is what happens in any country facing a terrorist threat. It happened in Spain, where the left took to the streets after the attacks of March 11, 2004 in order to provoke an electoral upset, blaming those crimes not on the terrorists, but on the Aznar government. And it is happening now as well after the murder of six hostages by Hamas terrorists, an atrocious crime that should unite the entire civilized world against these criminals.

Israel's democratic government is blamed for Hamas' crimes

In recent hours, many left-wing media outlets and commentators have pointed to Netanyahu's conservative government as the culprit for Hamas killing the six people and also for the fact that the terrorist group is holding 101 people hostage. After all, the left has been demonizing Netanyahu to the same extent that it has been whitewashing Hamas, calling the Islamist terrorist group a "resistance movement" and referring to its criminals as "militiamen".

The Israeli left is not much different from the rest. It shares the same weak thinking and ideological sectarianism that socialists and communists display throughout the West. So it is not surprising to see that a socialist union has called for a general strike to force Netanyahu to give in to Hamas. Yesterday, the union's president said: "Any painful price we are required to pay for a deal to bring our sons and daughters home is far lower than the cost of continuing the abandonment."

The left tells terrorists in advance that it will accept any price

Thus, the Israeli Left is sending a clear message to Hamas: not only is it ready to negotiate with monstrous terrorists who murdered 1,200 people on October 7, 2023 (including negotiating with terrorists who have just murdered six hostages in cold blood), it is also ready to pay "any painful price we are required to pay" - a message that will have filled Hamas leaders with joy, because the left tells the terrorists in advance that it will accept any price they set.

With this vile message, the Israeli left not only breaks the necessary unity of the people of Israel in its war against terrorism, against a terrorism that has perpetrated the worst massacre suffered by the Jewish people since the Holocaust, but also gives in to the terrorists and transfers its responsibility to a democratic government, blaming it for not giving in to these criminals.

The same betrayal that the Spanish left committed

This message that the citizens of Israel have received in the last few hours is not new: it is the same betrayal that the Spanish socialists and communists committed after the attacks of March 11, 2004, and it is the same betrayal that they also committed by starting a political negotiation with the ETA terrorists, which led to the legalization of their political arm without having condemned any of the murders committed by this criminal gang. Thanks to this betrayal, today the political arm of ETA has more political power than ever and is allied, coincidentally, with the socialists of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez’s party, so they exercise considerable influence in national politics and in the decisions of the socialist government.

A way to encourage terrorism, by making it profitable

With its endless vileness, the left seems determined to encourage terrorism, to make it profitable and to make the terrorists receive the message that it does not matter what kind of atrocities they commit, because those atrocities will serve to bring them to a negotiating table on the same level as a democratic government. With this attitude, what the left does is traffic in the lives of all peaceful citizens of a country, by making us preferred targets for any criminal who wants to get something from our government.

There is nothing to negotiate with terrorists

In any civilized country, in any country that respects Good and Justice, the only message that terrorists should receive is that there can be no negotiation with them and that the State will be implacable against them. Only in this way can terrorism be discouraged. Only in this way can justice be done to the victims of these criminals. Only in this way can civilization be successfully defended against barbarism. However, the left seems willing to take advantage of barbarism to weaken any rival government. After all, it is the same left that has always treated the Islamic threat with indulgence because it sees in it a potential ally against its common enemy: the West.


Photo: APAimages.

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