A new political decision that is costing the lives of Ukrainian civilians

Biden's veto allows Putin to launch massive attack on Ukrainian cities

Does Joe Biden really want Ukraine to beat Russia? That is the question that must be asked in light of the new Russian attack suffered by Ukraine today.

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Massive Russian attack with more than 100 missiles and 100 drones

In this new attack, Russia has launched more than 100 cruise missiles and around 100 drones at civilian targets, a Kremlin terrorist strategy which consists of responding to Ukrainian military successes (now in the Russian region of Kursk) with indiscriminate attacks against the civilian population. During the night, 14 Ukrainian regions have been affected by this Russian attack, and as a result, another 8 regions have suffered power cuts.

The regions of Ukraine affected by this new Russian attack. The regions that have been attacked are indicated by a flame. The yellow circle with a lightning bolt indicates power outages, and the blue circle with a drop indicates water supply outages (Source: Suspilne News).

Although Ukrainian air defences have been active, not all Russian missiles and drones have been shot down and there are once again deaths and injuries among the civilian population.

Ukraine defends itself with one hand tied behind its back

Yesterday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a message posted on Twitter: "We have already showcased “Palianytsia” – our new rocket drone. More of developments and more of our weapons will follow. While “Palyanytsias” and “Neptunes” can achieve many objectives, there are tasks that only “ATACMS,” “Storm Shadow,” “Scalp,” and other weapons from our partners can fulfill."

It should be noted that Russia, the aggressor country, is using weapons provided by communist China, Iran and North Korea in its attacks against Ukraine. Much of this weaponry is used in attacks against the civilian population.

However, Ukrainian defenders are defending themselves with one hand tied behind their back, with restrictions from their allies to use their weapons on Russian territory. One of these restrictions is Joe Biden's veto on using long-range ATACMS missiles. Because of this veto, Ukraine has to settle for shooting down the arrows instead of shooting down the archer, a defensive strategy that consumes much more resources and that is beneficial to the Russians.

Map showing the origin of the Russian attacks this past night, coming from areas of Russian territory that could be hit by ATACMS missiles, whose use in Russian territory by Ukraine is banned by the US (Source: Radnykukr / Ukraine Front Line).

“Ukraine cannot be constrained in its long-range capabilities when the terrorists face no such limitations”

Because of this veto, Ukraine cannot reach the launching points that Russia is using in attacks like the one last night. This afternoon, hours after this attack, Zelensky has referred again to this veto in a more critical tone than yesterday:

"Putin can only act within the limits the world sets for him. Weakness and inadequate responses fuel terror. Every leader, every one of our partners, knows the decisive actions required to end this war justly. Ukraine cannot be constrained in its long-range capabilities when the terrorists face no such limitations. Our defenders cannot be restricted in their weapons when Russia deploys its entire arsenal, including “Shaheds” and ballistic missiles from North Korea. America, Britain, France, and our other partners have the power to help us stop this terror. The time for decisive action is now."

The 'sanctuary' from which Russia launches its attacks thanks to Biden's veto shield

Yesterday, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) published a very revealing map showing the vast extent of the "sanctuary" from which Russia launches attacks like last night's against Ukraine, taking advantage of the US veto on Ukraine that does not allow it to launch long-range ATACMS missiles against Russian territory. The GMLRS missiles used by Ukraine from HIMARS launchers can only reach 16% of the territory that Russia uses to launch its attacks. The remaining 84% is protected by a "shield": the US veto on the use of ATACMS.

A map showing in red the "sanctuary" from which Russia launches attacks against Ukraine like the one last night, taking advantage of the US veto on Ukraine that prevents it from using long-range ATACMS missiles against Russian territory (Source: Institute for the Study of War).

Regarding this sanctuary used by Russia for its attacks, the ISW points out the following:

"The United States currently prohibits Ukrainian forces from using ATACMS missiles to strike military targets in Russia and only allows strikes using US-provided HIMARS equipped with GMLRS — at maximum permitting Ukraine to strike only 20 out of the 250 objects it could strike with ATACMS. Only 17 of these 250 objects are airfields, and it is unlikely that the Russian military has redeployed assets away from all the other 233 objects to the same degree as it has reportedly done with aviation assets.

US officials’ comments centered on Russia’s redeployment of air assets have so far largely ignored the majority of targets in range of ATACMS that Ukrainian forces could strike if US prohibitions were lifted."

The United States is one of the main suppliers of arms to Ukraine and that is something to be grateful for, since these weapons play a fundamental role in the defense of the Ukrainian people against the Russian invasion. But it is inexplicable that Biden maintains a veto on attacking military objectives that are essential to maintaining this invasion. A veto that was preceded by absurd delays in the delivery of weapons systems such as Abrams tanks, the ATACMS missiles themselves or the F-16 fighters. These delays in making political decisions cost Ukrainian lives. The US president should take this into account, if he is still able to remember that there is a war in Ukraine.


Photo: Reuters. A file image of a meeting between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin.

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