Under his mandate, hatred from the left and separatism have free rein

The incitements to hatred that Pedro Sánchez's government has tolerated and encouraged

Listening to the Spanish socialist government criticize hatred sounds as cynical as when it starts criticizing lies and hoaxes.

Jewish organizations from Europe and the US denounce the anti-Semitism of Yolanda Díaz
Spain: a Sánchez minister attends a march organized by an antisemitic terrorist group

Yesterday, the Minister for Inclusion, the socialist Elma Saiz, stated: "The avalanche of hate messages against migrants and racialized people after the crime in Mocejón is just the tip of the iceberg and we have to denounce it as many times as necessary." It is very good that the government is denouncing incitement to hatred, but what is neither coherent nor credible is that it is done by a government that has tolerated and even encouraged incitement to hatred for years, and that demonstrates an infamous double standard by remaining silent about attacks against certain social groups.

The government's silence in the face of far-left antisemitism

In April, the Observatory for Religious Freedom and Conscience (OLRC) denounced the wave of antisemitic attacks that Spain has been experiencing since the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on October 7, 2023, the largest massacre suffered by the Jewish people since the Holocaust. The Sánchez government has said absolutely nothing about it, it is as if it does not care, perhaps because this wave of anti-Semitism is encouraged by the extreme left.

The signs of antisemitism from the Sánchez government itself

Worse still, in May, the communist vice president of the government, Yolanda Díaz, used an antisemitic slogan that is used by Palestinian terrorism to demand the disappearance of Israel and the extermination of the Jews. In the following days, without any comment from the government, important Jewish organizations in Europe and the United States denounced Yolanda Díaz's antisemitism. To this day, the communist vice president has not yet been dismissed.

This is not an isolated case: in January, the Sánchez government authorized a march by an anti-Semitic terrorist group in Madrid, a terrorist group that calls for the disappearance of Israel and that supported the Hamas terrorist attack against that country. In addition to authorizing it, a minister of Sánchez's government, the communist Sira Rego, attended that antisemitic march in a clear show of support. That minister has not been dismissed or disavowed by Pedro Sánchez either. Under his government, there is free rein for antisemitism in Spain.

Free rein for the apology of terrorism and mockery of believers

The Sánchez government is not only dedicated to tolerating and encouraging hate speech against Israel and the Jewish community. Last year, the party led by Sánchez, the PSOE, supported legalizing the apology for terrorism, insults against Spain, mockery of believers and serious insults to the Crown, the Police, and the Armed Forces, claiming that they are "freedom of speech." This is yet another favor to the communists, separatists and pro-ETA allies of the PSOE.

Sánchez's allies promote hatred of tourists

Let us also remember that two months ago, Sánchez's communist allies supported a march against tourists in the Canary Islands, a march authorized by the government. The same people who consider the mere fact of criticizing illegal immigration to be "hate" at the same time launch messages of hate against Spaniards and foreigners who circulate legally through Spanish territory, leaving their money in our country and contributing to creating wealth and jobs. The government has not made even the slightest criticism of these messages.

The government's silence in the face of separatist harassment of families and children

Let us also remember that Catalan separatists have been promoting acts of harassment of families and children for claiming their right to be able to study in Spanish in a part of Spain, as happened three years ago in Canet de Mar. Neither Sánchez nor any of his ministers have said anything about it, as they are allied with the same separatists who promote this purely totalitarian harassment.

The government's permissiveness with tributes to ETA terrorists

Thus, the Sánchez government is sending a clear message: hate messages from the left and the separatists have total impunity, because we have a left-wing government allied with the separatists. I have left the clearest and most scandalous example for the end: the Sánchez government has done absolutely nothing against the hundreds of tributes to ETA murderers organized each year by its pro-ETA allies, tributes that are a humiliation for the thousands of victims of that terrorist group, especially for the relatives of the 853 people murdered by ETA, including 22 children and babies.


Photo: PSOE.

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