They didn't dedicate a single message to that brutal murder of an 11-year-old boy

The 5 messages from members of Sánchez's cabinet in 12 hours after the Mocejón crime

Yesterday, Spain was shocked by the savage stabbing murder of an 11-year-old boy in the town of Mocejón (Toledo).

The crime of Mocejón and the difference between dying and being murdered for some media
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This horrendous crime has left a family devastated and the entire town plunged into grief. As if that were not enough, at the time of publishing these lines, the perpetrator has still not been captured, which also causes a logical social alarm, given the possibility that the perpetrator of the crime will strike again.

No member of the government wrote a single message about this crime

Faced with such a fact, the absolute silence of Pedro Sánchez's government is astonishing: he and his ministers have not published a single tweet about this crime throughout the day yesterday (of the 22 ministers, all have an account on that social network except Fernando Grande-Marlaska, the Minister of the Interior). The two parties that form the government coalition, the PSOE and Sumar, have not published any message either. It is as if what happened did not affect them enough to interrupt their vacation and dedicate a message to the child's family, despite the fact that the government has in its hands the responsibility of ensuring our safety and pursuing the criminals.

Feijóo and Abascal did publish messages about that murder

This silence from the government is even more deafening when we take into account that the national president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and the national president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, did publish messages about the crime. Feijóo was "shocked" by the crime and expressed his "solidarity" with the family and his support for the Civil Guard "to find the perpetrator of this savagery." Abascal commented:

"They are turning Spain into an unrecognisable and dangerous country for all generations without distinction, whether they are the youngest or our elders. There is no sufficient punishment in the penal code for such an abject criminal. And there is nothing that can repair the terrible loss of their relatives and loved ones. I pray for them."

The 5 messages written by members of the government in the 12 hours following the crime

The Twitter account of La Moncloa has a list that shows everything that members of the government publish. I have reviewed everything that they published in the 12 hours following the crime: there were 5 messages in total. Let's review them below.


Education Minister Pilar Alegría, a socialist, dedicated her only tweet yesterday to basketball. It is a message with closed responses so that no one can reply. The message was published at 7:33 p.m., 9 and a half hours after the crime:

Three messages about García Lorca

The second vice president and Minister of Labor, the communist Yolanda Díaz, also had neither the time nor the desire to dedicate a message to the murdered child, but she did have time to speak about the murder of the poet Federico García Lorca 88 years ago. The message was published at 2:46 p.m., almost 5 hours after the crime and when the news of the child's murder had already been in the media for several hours:

The Minister of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory, the socialist Ángel Víctor Torres, also chose to speak about García Lorca instead of dedicating a tweet to the family of the murdered child. He published his only message yesterday at 7:26 p.m., 9 hours after the crime:

The Minister of Culture, the communist Ernest Urtasun, also did not want to dedicate any message to the murdered child and chose to write about García Lorca. He published his message at 8:25 p.m., 10 hours after the child's murder:

Reading a book on the beach

The one who has provoked the most reactions, by far, is the Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, the socialist Félix Bolaños. He published a couple of photos of a book by the former footballer Luther Blissett taken on a beach. His message was published at 2:17 p.m., 6 hours after the murder of the child:

An outrageous lack of sensitivity and responsibility

The silence of Sánchez and his government in the face of this crime, in a Spain that is experiencing a sharp rise in stabbing attacks since the socialists came to power (a problem that the government seems unwilling to confront, perhaps because of the origin of many of the attackers), not only reveals an outrageous lack of sensitivity towards the family of the murdered child, but also their lack of a sense of responsibility towards a growing problem of insecurity caused, to a large extent, by the poor management of Sánchez and his ministers. We have a government that is a disgrace and yesterday it demonstrated it again with that silence and those messages.

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