Much of the left and the entire far left are silent on this matter

1,940 Russian attacks on medical facilities in Ukraine: how many have protested?

For months I have been denouncing the double standards of certain Western politicians, media and activists, most of them on the left.

Russia attacks a children's hospital in Ukraine: how many protests will there be against this?
The powerful cruise missile used by Russia to attack a children's hospital in Ukraine

This double standard is evident in the very different treatment of two wars currently underway: the one provoked by Russia with its invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, and the one provoked by Hamas with its terrorist attack against Israel on October 7, 2023.

Hamas blames Israel for rocket launched by Palestinian terrorists against hospital

A few weeks after this latest attack, it emerged that Hamas uses Gaza hospitals as hideouts for its terrorists, treating its patients as human shields, which is a war crime, and turning these hospitals into legitimate military targets. Israel uses precision strikes to try to avoid damage to civilian infrastructure, but despite this, any damage to a Gaza medical facility is quickly amplified by all the politicians, media outlets and activists who are hostile to Israel.

What's more, in mid-October 2023, a rocket launched by Islamic Jihad terrorists hit a hospital in Gaza: Hamas blamed Israel, and many media outlets believed Hamas's lie, just as they have been publishing the false death figures provided by Hamas without any verification.

Lies like these have served to mobilize far-left activists in many countries, organizing protests against Israel that in many cases have degenerated into acts of harassment, hostility and violence against Jewish communities, in a wave of anti-Semitism in the West unprecedented since the Second World War.

1,940 Russian attacks on medical facilities in Ukraine since February 2022

Things change dramatically when it comes to Ukraine. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported on Monday that Ukraine has suffered 1,940 attacks on medical facilities since the start of the Russian invasion. These are attacks verified by the WHO, which has documented 24 deaths among health personnel and patients in 2023 and 34 in 2024, in addition to an average of 200 ambulances damaged or destroyed annually in Russian attacks.

Regarding attacks on medical facilities, the WHO notes that "a significant proportion of such attacks involving heavy weapons." The Ukrainian Ministry of Health, in turn, has noted that since the beginning of the invasion, Russian attacks have destroyed 99 Ukrainian medical facilities, affecting more than 200 facilities. An example of this lack of scruples on the part of the Russians when attacking health facilities was seen on July 8, with the attack on the Okhmatdyt Hospital in kyiv, the largest children's medical center in Ukraine, which left dozens dead and caused serious material damage.

The silence of much of the left and of the entire extreme left

Unlike the lies about Gaza, much of the Western left and the far-left were silent in the face of this attack. For example, the socialist Pedro Sánchez said nothing about what happened, after constantly criticizing Israel based on the lies spread by Hamas.

It should be noted that unlike Hamas, which uses Gaza hospitals as hiding places and its patients as human shields (in what, I repeat, is a war crime according to the 1949 Geneva Conventions), Ukraine has no military positions or installations in its hospitals. Ukrainian hospitals are used to treat the wounded and sick, not to hide soldiers. Therefore, the silence of much of the left and the entire far left in the face of these 1940 is even more infamous and shows how much they have become mere puppets of Putin and Hamas.


Photo: World Health Organization.

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