Yet another reason against attempts to close this important debate in vain

Immigration: Will they care about our health more than they care about our safety?

In Spain and other Western countries, those who warn of the negative effects of mass illegal immigration are labelled as "xenophobic".

The great favor of all the Spanish parties except Vox to the illegal immigration mafias
The massive transfer of illegal immigrants on anti-terrorist alert 4: a real madness

Stupid lies to end a debate on a false note

This label is intended to falsely close a debate on a very important issue that greatly affects our security, and it also uses a lie: rejecting massive and illegal immigration does not imply hating foreigners. In fact, those who warn against illegal immigration at the same time defend legal immigration. Some people try to tell us that those who ask to have their doors guarded do so because they hate everyone who might enter, an equation that is as false as it is stupid.

Spain and other European countries have been suffering the effects of an irresponsible immigration policy that too often involves turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and even encouraging it with massive regularizations such as the one that all Spanish parties (except Vox) supported in April, which could benefit up to 500,000 people who entered Spain illegally.

The reasons that already existed to reject illegal and massive immigration

There are many reasons to reject these irresponsible immigration policies. The most important of all is respect for human lives that human traffickers put at serious risk with their perverse business, which often ends in tragedies in which dozens of human beings die on their journey to Europe.

There is also respect for the lives and security of European citizens, which - as stubborn facts have shown for years - are put at risk by illegal immigration that bypasses the basic security filters at our borders, allowing entry to all kinds of criminals, including jihadist terrorists.

Another reason, no less important, is coexistence. In Europe, ghettos are being created in which civil laws are being replaced by Islamic law, to which more and more people are being subjected as the flow of people from Islamic countries increases. In fact, the paradox is already occurring that people who found refuge in Europe fleeing Islamism are now seeing it imposed on European soil, without our authorities showing any special interest in resolving this growing problem.

WHO adds one more reason: monkeypox outbreak in Africa

But if all of the above was not enough, now the World Health Organization (WHO) warns of an outbreak of monkeypox in Africa: "the upsurge of mpox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and a growing number of countries in Africa constitutes a public health emergency of international concern", said yesterday that organization, which has indicated that so far this year, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo there have been more than 15,600 cases and 537 deaths.

Citing the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the BBC pointed to Morocco as one of the countries affected by this outbreak, although at the moment with very low rates of contagion. Of course, the international community must take measures to help the affected countries solve this problem, especially considering that some of these countries are among the poorest nations in the world. It is a question of basic solidarity. At the same time, Europe must take measures to prevent the outbreak from spreading on its soil.

The question now is: Do those who support illegal and massive immigration care more about our health than they care about our safety? Perhaps some in their well-off neighborhoods feel safe from the effects that such immigration has on more modest neighborhoods, but an infectious disease is harder to contain than common crime. If now is not the time to take this problem seriously, when will it be?


Photo: Efe. A Civil Guard officer observes African immigrants entering Spain illegally via the border with Morocco in Ceuta.

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