Aberrant ideas that seem designed to support a dictatorship

The ideas that the socialists are transmitting to the Spanish people with the election of Illa

Much of our political class has become accustomed to making decisions without worrying about the messages they send to people.

Sánchez and Puigdemont humiliate all Spaniards and exhibit a pact of impunity
The socialist Salvador Illa has good reasons to fear Abascal more than Puigdemont

An example of this is the election of the socialist Salvador Illa as president of the Catalan regional government this Thursday, an election that has been possible thanks to the support of the separatists of ERC (a party that promoted the separatist coup d'état of 2017) and the ultra-leftists of Comuns. To obtain the support of ERC, the socialists have given in to one of the separatists' demands: that Catalonia control 100% of its taxes, breaking the principle of solidarity between regions.

Catalonia is one of the richest regions in Spain, so the socialists' concession means privileging a rich region over the poorer ones, which will mean that the latter will have to pay more taxes to compensate for what Catalonia stops contributing to the State, simply because the socialists have decided to give in to yet another blackmail from the separatists, with the sole aim of obtaining more power.

In addition to this, we must remember that Salvador Illa was Minister of Health and managed a disastrous job in the midst of the pandemic, contributing with his decisions to Spain being one of the most affected countries in Europe, both in terms of health and in terms of the number of deaths, and also in the economic effects of the pandemic. In short, the socialists have decided to reward an incompetent manager by giving him the government of the second most populated region in Spain.

Furthermore, in his investiture speech, Illa defended the amnesty law that grants criminal privileges to the separatist allies of the socialists, erasing their criminal record for the mere fact that Sánchez needed their votes to remain in power.

Finally, Illa has said that Catalonia is part of a "plurinational Spain". Even if the Constitution does not say anything about that, it does not matter, because the socialists have already made it clear that they can ignore the Constitution whenever they want and without consulting the Spanish people, thanks to the fact that they have control of the Constitutional Court and the leftist majority in that body will bless any unconstitutional outrage they commit.

Let us imagine how we could explain this to the Spanish people and the things that this situation conveys to the youngest, that is, to those who are in the process of arming themselves with values ​​with which to face the challenges that life presents to them. These are the ideas that the socialists transmit with their actions:

  • The idea that the end justifies the means, and that it doesn't matter to resort to illegitimate means to achieve something, because the only thing that matters is satisfying your desires at any price and trampling on whoever is necessary.
  • The idea that the rules of coexistence are not the same for everyone, and that they are applied or not depending on whether those who exercise power can obtain a personal or partisan benefit from it.
  • The idea that those in power can do whatever they want, without respecting the rules, putting their personal desires as the only limit to their power and violating any rule approved by a large majority, such as the Constitution.
  • The idea that it doesn't matter if you do your job poorly, as long as you are a socialist and know how to use your contacts to continue holding positions of responsibility even if you have demonstrated clear incompetence.
  • The idea that treating people unfairly, breaking rules to benefit your friends, is okay, as long as you make up cynical excuses like granting privileges to your friends serves to resolve conflicts.

What the socialists are transmitting to the Spanish people are aberrant ideas that seem designed to support a dictatorship, by destroying the ethical and moral foundations on which the pillars of democracy are based. These ideas are those of a gang of corrupt, fanatic and sectarian people, a gang that believes it has the right to trample on others and to live at the expense of the efforts of others.

These ideas are incompatible with a civilized and democratic society, and those who spread them not only deserve to answer for them before the courts. They also deserve to be labeled as parasites and traitors to Spain and democracy, because they are carrying out a task of demolition against both.

One day they will have to answer to the Spanish people for all the harm they are doing, and also for the terrible example they are giving to children and young people. No amnesty will be able to erase this.


Photo: PSC.

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