New display of sectarianism from the agency controlled by Pedro Sánchez

After calling the head of Hamas a 'moderate face', Efe calls a legal association 'ultra-Catholic'

The ideological bias of the Efe news agency, controlled by the socialist government of Pedro Sánchez, has been exposed once again today.

The infamous report of Efe, controlled by Sánchez, whitewashing the Hamas chief
The infamous attitude of the Spanish left with terrorism, and not only with that of ETA

In a news item published today regarding the legal proceedings against Pedro Sánchez's wife, Efe refers to one of the entities leading the popular accusation,, as an "ultra-Catholic association", an expression commonly used by left-wing media to discredit those who oppose the monstrosity of induced abortion, whether they are Catholic or not, since the rejection of this crime is shared by people of different religious beliefs and also by atheists and agnostics.

This new display of ideological bias comes a day after EFE's report calling the recently eliminated head of Hamas a "moderate face", in reference to the leader of a terrorist organization that on October 7 murdered more than 1,200 people in an attack against the State of Israel: the largest massacre suffered by the Jewish people since the Holocaust. EFE omitted any reference to the Hamas chief's anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, in a crude whitewashing of that criminal.

Let us remember that Hamas is on the European Union's list of terrorist groups and that since its founding it has acted as a criminal organisation that justifies the use of violence for political ends. On the contrary, is a legal association that has always defended its ideas through peaceful means, often having to suffer attacks from the most intolerant left.

It is outrageous to see that 24 hours after whitewashing an Islamist and anti-Semitic terrorist, Efe demonizes a legal and peaceful Christian-inspired association. Efe does something so intolerable with our tax money and following the ideological guidelines of the socialist government. What Efe has done today is the same infamous sectarianism that the political, media and academic left exhibits in Spain and in other countries, a left for which - apparently - an Islamist and anti-Semitic terrorist is less worthy of criticism than a Christian who defends the right to life from conception. That left is truly disgusting.



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