Fake leftist feminism once again displays its most fanatical bias

The difference between a TikToker cooking for her boyfriend and Hamas terrorists

There was a time when feminism stood for equality before the law and equal opportunities for women.

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It must be said that this original feminism, of a liberal nature, was very necessary and achieved its objectives in the West (in the Islamic world women still fail to achieve such basic things). But then the left came along and began to use the term "feminism" for perverse purposes, specifically to try to generate social confrontation, in the same way that socialists and communists had done before with social classes. The left wanted to pit the poor against the rich and now wants to pit men against women, presenting the entire male sex as oppressors of women.

For this gender feminism, which has nothing to do with the original equality feminism, women's equality before the law and equal opportunities do not matter. The only thing that matters to the left is how to obtain a fixed political clientele by promoting a false victimhood. I say "false" because today women continue to be victims of discrimination and brutal treatment in the Islamic world, but the left does not care about that in the least, because the left and Islamism share a common enemy: the West.

This week, leftist feminism has launched a harassment campaign against a Spanish TikToker named Roro. This girl is demonized by the left because she dedicates herself to cooking for her boyfriend, as if that were a crime. The leftist channel La Sexta has even described this as "dangerous". The left, which calls it a "right" and a "choice" for a woman to kill her unborn child, at the same time considers it "dangerous" for that same woman to decide to cook for her boyfriend.

Things change when we talk about an Islamist terrorist group. On October 7, 2023, Hamas murdered hundreds of Israeli civilians, in the largest massacre suffered by the Jewish people since the Holocaust. In the context of this great pogrom, Hamas terrorists kidnapped, tortured and raped many women, reaching extremes of vileness typical of members of a satanic sect.

In recent days, left-wing feminists have dedicated more criticism to Roro than they have dedicated in nine months to Hamas terrorists for raping, torturing and murdering many Jewish women. Not a single feminist demonstration has been called against these rapes in Spain. Not one. For our anti-Semitic left, cooking for your boyfriend is something more reprehensible than raping and murdering Jewish women.

The fact that you are a traditional woman, by choice, is intolerable to them, and not the atrocities of Hamas, against which they have not called a single protest. In the end, leftist feminism is not only a false feminism, but also a cynical way of disguising hatred of women, a hatred that is directed against all those women who do not conform to the fanatical dogmas of the left, whether they are cooking girlfriends or Jewish women. This leftist feminism disgusts me more and more.


Photo: Mohammed Salem / Reuters. Hamas terrorists in Gaza on May 22, 2021.

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