After the murder of a Polish soldier, now a Greek border guard is shot

First Spain and Poland and now Greece: illegal immigration is increasingly violent

There are politicians and the media that try to equate all types of immigration, both legally and illegally.

The great favor of all the Spanish parties except Vox to the illegal immigration mafias
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What these politicians and those media come to tell us is that immigration is necessary and, if there are many illegal immigrants, what we should do is regularize them. This irresponsible way of dealing with illegal immigration has very negative consequences, since it creates a knock-on effect that generates even more illegal and increasingly violent immigration, as we have been seeing for years.

In Spain the examples are not few, unfortunately. To give us an idea, in 2022 a total of 104 civil guards were injured in assaults on the border fence in Ceuta by mobs of illegal immigrants . It is the result of the order of socialist Pedro Sánchez to withdraw part of the obstacles of that fence in December 2019, but also of the systematic lack of human and material resources that the leftist Spanish government has been subjecting to the civil guards who monitor the Spanish borders with Morocco.

Spain is not the only country that suffers from these problems. In June 2024, a Polish soldier He was stabbed to death by an illegal immigrant who was trying to jump the border between Poland and Belarus. Since 2021, Poles have been enduring a hybrid war by the Lukashenko regime, which transports immigrants of Arab origin from the Middle East to Belarus and then throws us to the border with Poland, in an attempt to generate instability in that NATO member country.

But the promoters of illegal immigration should not only be sought outside the Atlantic Alliance. This Saturday, a Greek border guard was shot and wounded when he and other agents were trying to stop an assault on the Greek border from Turkey. The shots came from the Turkish side. Let us remember that in 2020, The Erdogan regime announced that it would not take any measures to stop the waves of illegal immigration bound for the European Union. On this issue, Erdogan is acting in a very similar way to Lukashenko, using immigration to harm his Greek neighbors.

This increasingly violent illegal immigration calls into question the approaches of many politicians on this matter. Do they intend to regularize illegal immigrants whose first contact with our countries is the use of violence against State officials? What kind of guarantees do these politicians offer to citizens regarding their safety, when they intend to give papers to people who, in some cases, have committed violent crimes to enter our borders?


Main photo: Komenda Miejska Policji w Białymstoku. Polish Police officers with crowd control equipment defending the Polish border post in Kuźnica.

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