The European People's Party repeats its alliance with the socialists in Brussels

Von der Leyen's re-election, good news for Sánchez and bad news for Spain

The German Ursula von der Leyen has been re-elected today for a second term as president of the European Commission.

Feijóo cannot get Von der Leyen to make even the slightest criticism of Sánchez at a PP event
The deception of the 'Grand Coalition' of Brussels that only Vox is denouncing in Spain

The center-left alliance between the EPP and the socialists is repeated

Von der Leyen is a member of the CDU, the German partner of the European People's Party (EPP), and owes her re-election to the same alliance between the EPP and the socialists that made her president of the Commission in 2019. The speech he gave today (can be read here) and her candidacy guidelines (see PDF) seem designed to gain support from the same center-left alliance that elected her five years ago.

Von der Leyen's political sectarianism at the head of the Commission

During this time, Von der Leyen has applied socialist recipes and progressive ideological dogmas as if she were just another socialist, unleashing persecution for ideological reasons against the conservative governments of Poland and Hungary and turning a blind eye to the attacks of the socialist Pedro Sánchez on the rule of law in Spain. A purely sectarian way of governing the European Union, in which Von der Leyen has made it clear that she has no intention of questioning her socialist allies whatever they do.

Von der Leyen has not made a single criticism against Sánchez's abuses

Taking this into account, the re-election of the German candidate is good news for Pedro Sánchez, as it means the continuation of a policy of looking the other way in the face of serious abuses such as la amnesty law that grants criminal privileges to Sánchez's allies in exchange for their support (one of the biggest corruption scandals that Spain has experienced), his attacks on judicial independence and his threats to freedom of information, all in an attempt to silence those who have put his government in check in the midst of several corruption scandals that affect his party and himself .

In all these years in which Sánchez has been behaving like an autocrat, like an authoritarian politician who accepts no limits to his power other than his desires, Von der Leyen has not even directed him slightest criticism. Not only has he not criticized him, but he even has praised him to the point of opposing the EPP leader, the German Manfred Weber, who in December accused him of "dividing Europe" and criticized him for "being applauded by Hamas terrorists."

Bad news for Spain: this is how Von der Leyen harms us

This good news for Sánchez is, on the contrary, bad news for Spain. Von der Leyen has been promoting policies that undermine our national sovereignty, destroy our agricultural sector, increase state interventionism to levels typical of a socialist regime, harm our industry with their environmental radicalism and promote an ideological roadmap that attacks the fundamental rights of European citizens, starting with freedom of expression, as Elon Musk revealed ago few days.

The "grand coalition" is confirmed: populars and socialists are allies

What is finally confirmed with the re-election of Von der Leyen is the "grand coalition" formed by the EPP and the socialists, two groups whose approaches are increasingly difficult to distinguish and that in The case of Spain is being reflected in pacts between the Popular Party and the PSOE in different areas. Today, only conservative parties like Vox are a real opposition to socialism in Europe, a socialism to which the European People's Party has decided to provide its support for another five years.


Photo: La Moncloa. The president of the European Commission, the German centrist Ursula von der Leyen, in a meeting with the president of the Spanish government, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, at the Moncloa palace on July 31, 2019.

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