An efficient way to remove an OCP uniform from the backpack in one piece

The United States Army Rangers and their ingenious method of folding their uniforms

A soldier must carry a lot of material in little space, and to obtain an optimal solution there are procedures in almost all armies.

The items a United States Marine carries in his backpack on a 72-hour operation
The video of a US Army sergeant showing how to configure an ACH helmet

The US Armed Forces are known for having procedures for almost everything. That country already has a long military experience from which it always tries to draw lessons to implement improvements, and this includes the contents of its soldiers' backpacks and the way to fold their uniforms to make better use of space.

One of the special operations forces of the United States Army is the 75th Ranger Regiment, created in 1984 but whose origins date back to Rogers' Rangers of the mid-18th century, before that country's independence. country. The Rangers function as a highly prepared, airborne light infantry force and oriented towards direct action raids against heavily armed targets. The Rangers are one of the most active forces in the US Army, and that means carrying out numerous deployments.

This availability forces the Rangers to always have their luggage ready for rapid mobilization, with everything necessary for the success of the mission. This includes a very ingenious way to carry spare campaign uniforms inside the backpack, optimizing space and being able to take out an entire OCP uniform by just moving one piece. This video from explains how they do it:

Who knows? Maybe someone can get some good ideas from this to improve the contents of their suitcase for these summer vacations...


Photos: The 75th Ranger Regiment / U.S. Army.

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