The PP favors the far-left and separatism against Vox and its European group

The betrayal of the Popular Party in Brussels and Catalonia that its related media hides

The Popular Party continues with its policy of making concessions to the left and separatism, without much talk about it in the media.

The vicious circle of the Popular Party and many right-wing voters in Spain
After the betrayal of the People's Party in Brussels and Poland, it is the turn of Spain

Pact between PP and PSC to leave Vox without a senator in Catalonia

Yesterday we had two new examples. In the Parliament of Catalonia, the Popular Party and the socialists of the PSC have agreed to change the formula for the distribution of autonomously appointed senators elected by that community. The new formula leaves Vox without a senator, who would have obtained one with the previous formula (more proportional), and grants it to Junts. A new pact between the popular and socialists that harms Vox and benefits the separatists.

Joan Garriga, spokesperson for the Vox group in the Parliament of Catalonia, has commented as follows: happened: "unfortunately, the Socialist Party and the Popular Party have opted for the Hont proportional system, which gives one more senator to Junts and takes it away from Vox. We regret that PSC and PP prefer that Junts have one more senator and that Vox no longer have one."

Media related to the PP hide the agreement between PP and PSC

It must be said that the Europa Press agency has pointed out that the PP and the PSC are those that have shown themselves in favor of this change in formula that harms Vox, while Junts, ERC and Comuns were in favor of another formula that would give representation to the party led by Santiago Abascal. Two media outlets related to the Popular Party have decided to hide this annoying fact in their news: Abc and La Razón.

The favor of the European PP to the anti-Semitic extreme left

On the other hand, last night the Vox MEP Hermann Tertsch denounced that the European People's Party (EPP) has supported a candidate from the extreme left, Younous Omarjee, from La Francia Insumisa, an anti-Semitic party that refused to condemn the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel. In this way, the EPP has joined the cordon sanitaire of the left and the extreme left against the group Patriots for Europe, of which Vox is a part, leaving that group without any vice presidency in Parliament European while groups with fewer seats have one or two.

"I believed that the absolute shame in the European Parliament on the opening day was this infamous anti-Semitic Leninist redneck speech by Montero", Tertsch commented, and added: "But no. The absolute shame of the day was even worse and it was seeing how the Popular Party He ordered his people to vote for the worst anti-Semite and pro-terrorist of Hamas and Iranamong the most radical communists in Montero's party, just to prevent a vice president of Patriots for Europe. That's the PP."

The media related to the PP hide that favor

Yesterday, the socialist newspaper El País boasted of this cordon sanitaire. On the contrary, the silence of the media related to the PP has been absolute. The only news items that have included the data indicated by Tertsch have been those published by La Gaceta de la Iberosfera and


Photo: Partido Popular. Alberto Núñez Feijóo, president of the Popular Party of Spain, with Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, in a meeting held on July 3, 2024.

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