Sánchez announced 100 million euros to digitize already digitized media

Abascal's resounding speech denouncing the purchase of media by Pedro Sánchez

This morning, in the Congress of Deputies, the socialist Pedro Sánchez made a new display of his usual cynicism.

A list that shows what the Spanish left-wing considers real journalism
Sánchez, his mafia-like exercise of power and the silence of a large part of journalism

In the midst of corruption scandals that affect his party, his personal environment and also himself, Sánchez has announced an "Action Plan for Democracy" criticizing the "hoaxes", something that sounds like a practical joke, if we take into account that he is a president of government who is characterized by his repeated use of lies as a way of doing politics since he came to power, a practice that he cynically disguises as "changes of opinion".

Today the socialist leader has once again applied his habit of criticizing the same things he does, stating that he intends to implement measures so that "there are no media that have more public funders than readers and ensure that there are no parties that buy editorial lines with taxpayers' money", and he says this while spending more than any other government on institutional advertising to buy the favor of the media. Last year, Sánchez used 554 million euros from all Spaniards in institutional advertising, a figure never seen before and which demonstrates to what extent this government has exceeded all limits in its eagerness to buy the media with public money.

Today the socialist leader has once again insisted on this practice of wasting everyone's money to smear the media: Sánchez has announced aid of 100 million euros, from European funds, "for the digitalization of the media".

That announcement has been answered by Santiago Abascal. In a resounding speech, the president of Vox has stated: "Sanchez says that we must ensure that there are no political parties that buy editorial lines of media, and immediately afterwards, but immediately afterwards, he announces 100 million euros for the media in the Congress rostrum to digitize the media. I'm going to give you some news: The media have been digitalized for a long time, what year do you live in, Mr. Sánchez?"

Abascal added, addressing Sánchez: "The only thing you want is to buy editorial lines from the media, exactly what you have come to denounce in this forum. It is the last straw, ladies and gentlemen, that Mr. Sánchez comes to Congress today and dares to talk about "autocratization processes." And it is the last straw that you come here to talk about discerning between truth and lies, when you have cheated and lied brutally to the Spaniards in two consecutive terms. And it also goes to say that some have turned lying into a business. And what have you turned lying? Into a way to stay in power any price." You can listen to his full intervention here:


Photos: Vox Congreso.

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