Twenty years, by Francisco Javier Fernández Tarrío

Allow me a few personal lines to pay tribute to this wonderful blog. I have had the personal privilege of knowing its author, Elentir, for years, and of reading and enjoying Counting Stars as an essential tool in the defense of Spain and of freedom. A blog that is not only a national reference in the defense of our Homeland and our Freedom, but also an authentic communication hub with Elentir, providing selfless and loyal support to all of us who, humbly, also fight the battle of the ideas.

Because Counting Stars has always been a portal for meeting and dissemination, a trench of Freedom for many of us. But if I must highlight something about Contando Estrelas it is not only the evident quality of its content, but, above all, the human quality of its author, his unbreakable independence and freedom, never subject to more restraints than his own deep-rooted principles, always above acronyms and situations.

And, believe me, all of us who, in one way or another, fight for Spain and Freedom in the media and networks, are aware of the enormous effort that this entails. Often including the personal cost that the Autonomy and independence of opinion in opinion entails in our beloved Spain. Elentir and his Counting Stars have their honesty as their personal trademark. That is its prestige and that is an example for many, including myself. May the light of the stars never go out.

For many more years, dear Elentir. My most sincere congratulations and the greatest recognition for your work.

Health and freedom.

Francisco Javier Fernández Tarrío

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