Elentir articles have no emotion for me, by Francisco José Contreras

Elentir's articles have no emotion for me: even before opening them I know that I am going to totally agree with them. It is something that happens to me with very few people. I also know that I can go to them for data, because everything they argue is always rigorously documented.

“Counting Stars” is my main blog/newspaper, one of my favorite readings on the Internet. I think Elentir has been tireless and lucid in defending good causes: the defense of life, of the family based on marriage between a man and a woman, that of the Catholic faith, that of freedom and Western unity against extremists of both signs, that of the unity of Spain, that of freedom of education, of firmness against totalitarianism... Very jealous of its independence, Elentir does not marry any organization and applauds them only to the extent that they persevere in the defense of principles. Without expectation of professional growth or economic remuneration, represents a unique case of selfless work for ideals.

Many thanks to “Counting Stars” for everything it has given us in these twenty years.

Francisco José Contreras Peláez


Photo: Vox Congreso.

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