Elentir, a blogger who taught me to understand and love Spain, by Małgorzata Wołczyk

Elentir, being a fan of coastal lighthouses, does not even realize that he himself built a real lighthouse to attract those who love Spain, the Europe of Christian values ​​and the heroes of our history . It's hard to believe that 20 years have passed since he built a unique corner in the depths of the Internet ocean and practices very reliable journalism.

I don't think he will get the chair at the Complutense University even though he deserves it, because he is simply not as "smart" as Begoña Gómez. It's a shame, it should teach young people intellectual honesty and professionalism.

I had the honor of meeting him personally, so I know who I'm talking about. Since then, the face of the knight-errant Don Quixote already has the face of Elentir for me, because my friend from Vigo will never renounce his ideals and their freedom, including the freedom to express opinions that are not at all popular in Spain, and sometimes not even among Spanish conservatives. That's why I admire him, because he never makes concessions, he doesn't stay silent even if he runs the risk of losing his readers.

In all of Spain there are only 3 Spaniards who really understand Poland, they know our history, our traumas and national "tics": Hermann Tertsch, Alberto Trujillo and precisely: Elentir. Anyone who makes the effort to learn our history receives a free gift: they become perfectly immune to almighty Russian propaganda. I suspect that the three experts and gentlemen mentioned by me are descendants of the king of Castile and León, Don Alfonso VII the Emperor, who married a Polish princess - Rica or Rixa, daughter of Grand Prince Władysław I of Poland. Already then, Polish women began to conquer the hearts of the Spanish, and I suppose they were no less effective than Hernán Cortés and others but they had worse public relations. It is not known precisely how Don Alfonso met Rica, but it cannot be ruled out that it was in Vigo. Rica left a good memory in Castile by protecting the Church and helping many monasteries.

Of course, I know all this because... as I suspect, my great-great-grandfather was the eminent typographer called Stanislaus the Pole who arrived in Spain in 1490, settling in Seville. (Of course, his surname, that is, Wołczyk, has not been preserved in the archives because the Spanish do not want to pronounce something so full of consonants!) His first book was published in Seville in 1491, and his typographic activity lasted 14 years and was famous for works of a very high technical level for those times. Estanislao the Pole then established a second printing press in Alcalá de Henares, becoming a prominent figure in Spanish culture in the mid-15th-16th century.

It is not surprising then that I could precisely be his great-great-granddaughter who in 2011 came to Toledo as a calligrapher and draftsman, painting plates for one of the galleries and at the same time learning about the history of Spain and publishing essays from my travels. for Spain in the Polish press.

Well, this was joking, I have no idea about Elentir or Tertsch's ancestors, (nor mine in Spain) but there is something mysterious that makes the two, so deserving and unique in their fields, at the same time they understand very well my country located at the antipodes of Europe.

I don't know where Elentir gets the strength to always courageously oppose anti-Vox propaganda, anti-Ukrainian propaganda and anti-Israel propagandaand all other propaganda of ignorant and evil people. Sometimes it even irritates me, because when I myself do not have the strength to fight against the enemies of freedom, I then think "My goodness, but that lighthouse keeper from Vigo is tirelessly sending signals from his lighthouse day and night, warning against dangers, so I can't rest either."

And I thank you for that, my friend.

Małgorzata Wołczyk

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