Counting Stars, example of freedom, by Francisco José Alcaraz

Congratulations to my good friend Elentir and thank you for these 20 years of free information. This blog “Counting Stars” is a clear example of freedom of information and an exercise in the defense of values ​​without no type of complexes.

There is no topic that is not addressed, from freedom and in the face of media imposition, Elentir always willing to carry out a thorough analysis of current events, even of topics that the vast majority avoid discussing.

I have to say that during these 20 years, in which both personally and professionally, I have known Elentir's involvement in the defense of principles and values ​​that many have abandoned, allowing themselves to be carried away by mass journalism. Elentir has not succumbed to any pressure and his articles reflect his personality, a persevering good person who wants to resist and change the world with truthful information in the face of so much media manipulation.

Whoever does not have a defined opinion on any topic should visit the Elentir blog, I am sure it will help you have a more realistic vision. I was always surprised by the speed in the responses to immediately current issues, with a historical and documented overview of the topics to be discussed, without a doubt, keeping the memory alive.

A memory that I cannot ignore as a victim of terrorism. His defense of the MEMORY, DIGNITY AND JUSTICE of the victims of terrorism has been impeccable, personally and although he does not explain it in this writing, his involvement in the cause of the victims of terrorism goes beyond beyond what many do not imagineand that is why I want to take advantage of this anniversary to thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I give it to you for my brother Ángel, Miriam and Esther murdered by ETA.

Always indebted for his support of the cause, a debt that all good Spaniards should keep in mind to the author of this FREEDOM blog.

Thank you friend, here's to another 20 years.

Francisco José Alcaraz

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