Blogging Freedom, by Luis del Pino

Today one of the reference blogs for all of us who love freedom turns 20: Counting Stars.

Its author, Elentir, has been commenting on current political events for two decades, pulling newspaper archives and unmasking hypocrites. And in all that time, I do not remember a single occasion in which I did not see him position himself on the correct side of the History: on the side of the victims and against the executioners, on the side of the attacked and against the aggressors, on the side of democracy, freedom and the rule of law, against the totalitarians, the oppressors and the criminals.

No matter what we talk about, Elentir always finds the background and arguments with which to counteract the hoaxes and manipulations of those who do not hesitate to intoxicate and lie to satisfy their ambition for power.

It is not surprising, therefore, that his blog is one of the favorites of those of us who seek truthful information and rational explanations.

Many congratulations to Elentir. And thank you very much for your invaluable work throughout this time. Thank you for helping to make us freer.

Luis del Pino


Foto: Vox.

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