A story of broken commitments without consequences... until Vox arrived

The vicious circle of the Popular Party and many right-wing voters in Spain

The current political situation in Spain is a story that repeats itself over and over again, in a vicious circle that is easy to explain.

The step that PP and PSOE should take after agreeing on the CGPJ and the Electoral Board
After the betrayal of the People's Party in Brussels and Poland, it is the turn of Spain

PSOE and PP, two parties that act as if they were partners

Broadly speaking, the story begins with a Popular Party (PP) that claims to be the great rival of the socialists of the PSOE, a PP that always raises the need to remove the socialists from power and give way to to a change. However, the PP has been agreeing on all types of institutions with the PSOE for decades, sharing with the socialists the Judicial Power, the Constitutional Court, the Central Electoral Board, the Council of State, the RTVE Council and other entities, like two parties that take turns in power as if they were partners instead of rivals.

When it finally comes to power, the PP does not repeal the ideological laws of the socialists and limits its promised change to making a different economic management, as if its voters had only supported them for that. Finally, the PP ends up applying increasingly socialist recipes in the economy. Thus, on issues such as abortion, immigration policy, gender ideology, climate catastrophism, the LGTB lobby or state interventionism, it does not matter whether the PP or the PSOE governs, because both They apply the same socialist policies.

A vicious circle that was only broken with the arrival of Vox

We have been living that story for decades. That vicious circle was only broken with the arrival of Vox to the institutions and its regional pacts with the PP. It was then that some changes began to be seen in some regions, changes that have not occurred in those places where the PP governs alone. But the PP maintains its natural tendency to agree with its favorite partners: the socialists.

As I commented yesterday, since the arrival of Vox to the institutions, the PP has continued to agree with the PSOE on all types of institutions. The most recent have been the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) and the Central Electoral Board. These latest pacts are especially scandalous because Sánchez is dedicating himself to demolishing the rule of law, but that does not seem to affect the traditional policy of pacts of the PP.

Many center-right voters accept the betrayals without question

The most interesting thing about this story is regarding center-right voters. Many of them have switched to Vox, but a majority of Spaniards who do not consider themselves left-wing continue to vote for the PP no matter what it does. It doesn't matter that he agrees on all kinds of institutions with the socialists. It does not matter that the PP leaves the ideological laws of the left intact. It doesn't matter what the PP does: many vote for it like someone who follows a football team, without knowing how to explain why.

In this vicious circle, the PP has accustomed many center-right voters to the fact that it does not matter if that party betrays its electoral commitments, because what matters is that the PP governs, even if it does the same thing as the PSOE. But Vox voters are not like that: they want changes, they believe in the value of the given word and do not want the history they already experienced with the PP to be repeated.

Vox reacts to the new betrayal of the PP on immigration

Last night, complying with what it announced, Vox accused the PP of breaking its autonomous pacts by giving in to Sánchez's socialist government in the distribution of illegal immigrants in the regions governed by the PP, including those in which the PP has coalition governments with Vox. With its decision, the PP will bring more insecurity to the streets of Spain and will increase the call effect, attracting more illegal immigration. This perpetuates an irresponsible immigration policy of the socialists whose purpose is not to stop illegal immigration, but to encourage it.

This new transfer of the PP to the socialists is a betrayal of the pacts with Vox, and the culprit of breaking those pacts is the one who betrays what was agreed, and not the one who demands compliance with what was agreed. However, some have already begun to accuse Vox of breaking these pacts. Many have been docilely assuming for so many years that the PP can betray its commitments without any consequences, and now they pretend that Vox accept those betrayals impassively.

Vox does not exist to perpetuate the vicious circle of PP and PSOE

As some should already know, those of us who vote for Vox do not do so to perpetuate this vicious circle of the PP and the PSOE, but to break it, because breaking it is the only way to begin to remedy all the damage that the Socialism has been happening in Spain for decades. What some want is for the PP to continue governing without changing anything, agreeing everything with the PSOE and perpetuating socialist policies, in such a way that nothing changes in Spain no matter who governs. For that, don't count on Vox or all the Spaniards who vote for this party.


Photo: La Moncloa. Pedro Sánchez greeting Alberto Núñez Feijóo on the occasion of a visit by the president of the PP to the Moncloa palace.

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