The Popular Party behaves like a white label of the socialists

The step that PP and PSOE should take after agreeing on the CGPJ and the Electoral Board

The Popular Party has had the audacity to accuse Vox of making a "clamp" with the PSOE, while the PP makes an agreement with the socialists.

CGPJ: a betrayal disguised as a success that depends on the word of a liar
After the betrayal of the People's Party in Brussels and Poland, it is the turn of Spain

Recently, we have seen popular and socialists dividing up the institutions of the European Union, as they have been doing for many years. In Spain we have also seen how the PP and the PSOE shared the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), supposedly - according to the PP - with the intention of depoliticizing it, something that the PSOE has already denied. This Monday we learned of the latest pact between the two: the PP and the PSOE have divided up the Central Electoral Board, excluding Vox and granting the socialists control of that body.

Let us remember that in 2021, the PP agreed with the PSOE to share the Constitutional Court, the Court of Accounts and the Ombudsman. That same year the PP also divided the RTVE Council with the PSOE, Podemos and the PNV, excluding Vox as it has done in all the other organizations mentioned. So, it is true that there is a "clamp": the one that the PP and the PSOE have been doing together for years.

Furthermore, this Wednesday, and after Vox's warnings that this step could break their pacts in several autonomous governments, Feijóo has announced that the governments of his party will welcome 400 immigrant minors, as requested by the Pedro Sánchez government. That is to say, the PP is not worried about betraying its commitments to Vox and breaking up the coalition governments of both parties. Perhaps the PP has in mind to agree with the PSOE on these autonomous governments, just as it has agreed with the socialists in the other institutions?

For years, the Popular Party has been behaving as a mere auxiliary party of the PSOE. Every time it governs, the PP leaves all socialist ideological laws intact, helping to consolidate all the damage done by the PSOE to our rights and freedoms. It is time for the PP to stop its deceptions and take a new step: agree with the PSOE also on its autonomous governments. Thus, PP voters would be even clearer about what they are doing with their votes: support a party that behaves like a white label of the socialists.


Photo: Partido Popular. Meeting of the president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, with the general secretary of the Socialist Party, Pedro Sánchez, on December 21, 2023.

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