Yolanda Díaz, Irene Montero and Ione Belarra have not said anything about it

Sanchez remains silent and Vox reiterates its support for Ukraine after Russian attack on children's hospital

Yesterday, the world contemplated once again how far Russian terrorism can go in Ukraine, with the attack on the Okhmatdyt children's hospital.

Russia attacks a children's hospital in Ukraine: how many protests will there be against this?
The powerful cruise missile used by Russia to attack a children's hospital in Ukraine

The Russian attack killed 37 people, including 3 children

Last night, and as rescue efforts continued, the president of Ukraine said < strong>that yesterday's Russian attack left 37 dead, 3 of them children, and 170 injured, 13 of them children. Regarding the Russian attack on the children's hospital in kyiv, Zelensky commented: "A Russian missile hit the largest children's hospital in Ukraine and targeted young cancer patients. Many were buried under the rubble."

Sánchez has not dedicated a single tweet to that Russian attack

The Spanish left has so far demonstrated a clear propensity to accuse Israel based on false information spread by Hamas, often without any kind of graphic evidence. Yesterday, with abundant images of the Russian attack against that children's hospital and with the clear evidence of the Russian weapon used in the attack (a Kh-101 cruise missile, capable of carrying a 450 kg warhead high explosive), the socialist Pedro Sánchez did not publish a single tweet to condemn the Russian attack. In the hours following the attack, Sánchez found time to talk about a battery gigafactory but not to refer to this new display of vileness of Russian terrorism.

The Spanish extreme left is also silent

On the extreme left, Vice President Yolanda Díaz also did not say a word about it. After having taken his hostility towards Israel to the extreme of use a slogan that encourages erasing the Jewish State from the map, the communist leader did not have time to condemn that savage Russian attack against a children's hospital. The leaders of the far-left Podemos party Irene Montero and Ione Belarra have not said anything about it either, after accusing Israel of "genocide".

This silence is something predictable. In the last legislature, two far-left parties, Podemos and Izquierda Unida, were the most pro-Russian Spanish parties in the European Parliament. Let us remember that as soon as the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, the PCE (of which Yolanda Díaz is a member) and Izquierda Unida supported a demonstration against NATO. On March 1, 2022, two communist MEPs, including the current minister Sira Rego, abstained from the European Parliament's resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Likewise, in February 2023, Podemos brought together other pro-Russian parties in Madrid to criticize NATO, an event attended by five parties that did not condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Vox reiterates its support for Ukraine, its sovereignty and its territorial integrity

Yesterday, at 4:19 p.m., the one who did talk about Ukraine was Vox. The national spokesperson of this party, José Antonio Fuster, quoted the words spoken minutes before by the head of the Vox delegation in the European Parliament, Jorge Buxadé, during the presentation of the group Patriots for Europe: "All our support to Ukraine, to the defense of its national sovereignty and territorial integrity."

Furthermore, in an interview published last night by the newspaper El Mundo , Buxadé has stated: "We are pro-Ukraine, pro-NATO and pro-rule of law." With these statements, this party maintains its traditional line: let us remember that Vox already affirmed its support for Ukraine a month before the Russian invasion, when it was clear that it was going to occur but some people continued to deny it. After the start of the invasion, Vox leader, Santiago Abascal, reiterated his support for Ukraine and denounced the support of the ultra-left for Putin.

The strange majority silence of the PP

The strangest thing after yesterday's attack has been the majority silence of the Popular Party. I have reviewed the communication channels of that party without finding any reference to Ukraine after yesterday's attack. The only one who issued a message in this regard, criticizing Putin, was Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, deputy spokesperson for the PP parliamentary group in Congress, after midnight. I disagree with the PP in many aspects, but it is a party that has been supporting the cause of Ukraine. I hope you have not decided to let your guard down in this regard. The Ukrainian cause needs all possible support.


Photo: @ZelenskyyUa.

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