The Conservative Party did something very similar to what the PP does in Spain

United Kingdom: the fall of a party that only pretended to be conservative in its name

This Thursday, the United Kingdom held a general election that resulted in one of the Conservative Party's worst defeats.

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According to an exit poll published last night by the BBC, the Labor Party would win 410 seats and the Conservative Party 131. It is a disaster that has as one of its causes the embarrassing internal struggles that the Conservative Party has been involved in in recent years, but there are other causes that deserve reflection.

As some of you may remember, five years ago I mentioned here the British Conservative Party as an example of the center-right that has ended up assuming progressive and social democratic theses, along with the Spanish PP and the German CDU , Les Républicains of France, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil of Ireland and Platforma Obywatelska of Poland.

In the case of the British Conservative Party, the process had begun earlier but was accentuated with the arrival to power of David Cameron in 2010. Under the mandate of the Conservative Party, the United Kingdom has experienced situations typical of a socialist regime< /strong>, such as these that I have been telling you over the last few years:

Like the Popular Party in Spain, the British Conservative Party has not been content with deserting the battle of ideas against the left, something that in itself would be criticizable in a party that says be center-right. Furthermore, in many ways, it has gone directly to the other side, doing the same thing that any Labor government would do but with Conservative votes.

The message that the Conservative Party has sent with this is that it did not matter whether to vote for that party or the Labor Party, since in the end the policies were going to be practically the same, regardless of the fact that the conservatives say they are less interventionist in economic matters. Older conservatives end up disillusioned, and young people draw the conclusion that they can only think one way (the left's), something incongruent with voting for a party whose name includes the word "conservative".

I confess that the result saddens me, seeing the drift into which that country has entered, but as far as the Conservative Party is concerned, this defeat only deserves indifference to me, which is what it deserves on my part a party that only pretended to be conservative in its name. The only hope that remains for that party is to reestablish itself and return to what it was a long time ago, or give way to another party that wants to truly defend conservative principles.


Photo: Rocco Dipoppa.

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