Begoña Gómez shows her style when exercising her privileged position

An attitude of Sánchez's wife that makes it clear why she is being investigated

This morning, Begoña Gómez went to the Plaza de Castilla Courts, in Madrid, to testify as being investigated for two crimes.

Pedro Sánchez's ad hominem fallacy that indicates the worst about his wife's scandal
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These crimes are, specifically, influence peddling and business corruption. There are serious indications and evidence of these crimes that different media have been exposing in recent months, although the government insists on transmitting the message that there is no case. Basically, what is being tried with this case is the use of Gómez's privileged position as Sánchez's wife to do business and obtain personal benefits.

Taking into account the reason for this case, the strategy chosen by Gómez could not have been more clumsy with regard to his image. Sanchez's wife has asked that her image not be recorded, alleging its "public relevance", a privilege that neither the King's sister nor the previous president of the government had when they were called to testify in 2014 and 2017, respectively.

In addition, today the government has established a large security device with 200, 25 vans, a helicopter and several drones, which has included traffic cuts on Paseo de la Castellana since two hours before Gómez's arrival at the courthouse. Furthermore, and despite the fact that the wife of the president of the government has accessed the judicial headquarters through the garage, the journalists have been placed by the Police more than 30 meters from the pedestrian access, in a clear attempt to make their work difficult.

In case all of the above were not enough, Gómez arrived 15 minutes late to testify and, once in court, her lawyer has resorted to a crude delaying tactic, stating that they did not know the reasons why she is being investigated, when they have been public for weeks. One more attempt to hinder the action of Justice and degrade public institutions, from the environment of a government that has been carrying out unprecedented attacks on the Judiciary in all the years we have had democracy in Spain.

What has been seen today in Madrid is an exhibition of arrogance, by a person who uses his marriage relationship with the president of the government of Spain to enjoy privileges that others do not have Spaniards and who have not even had very relevant public figureswhen they have been called to testify before Justice. It is a way of showing us her peculiar style when it comes to exercising his position.

With this exhibition, Gómez has made it clear why she is being investigated: for using her privileged position for her personal benefit. With her behavior, Sánchez's wife has done nothing other than cast even more shadows on herself, when precisely she should have taken the opportunity to clear them, because whether guilty or not, Caesar's wife must not only be honored , but it must also seem so, as the famous saying states.


Photo: Europa Press.

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