Something similar has happened with English-language media outside Poland

Mutism in the Spanish media in the face of Tusk's assault on the Judiciary in Poland

Many Spaniards believe that certain abuses would be unthinkable in their country because there would be an immediate reaction from the European Union.

Backed by Von der Leyen, Tusk imitates Pedro Sanchez and assaults the Judiciary in Poland
The coup on the Rule of Law by the new center-left government in Poland

But what happens when the abuses have the approval of the European Commission itself? This morning you could read in Contando Estrelas information about the assault on the National Council of the Judiciary of Poland (NCJ), an assault carried out yesterday following orders from the Minister of Justice of that country. As is my custom, my article includes links to the sources of the information, which are the NCJ itself and several local media, as well as two videos from different Polish television channels that show what happened.

This afternoon I was searching on Google for news about what happened yesterday in Poland in the Spanish media. No results appear, except my article this morning. It is not surprising that the Spanish media ignore news from Poland, because due to the great language barrier, this news only usually comes from agencies or from the correspondents of Spanish media in that country, and few can afford to have a delegation there.

There are very few Spanish communicators who follow the Polish press, and that has a consequence: the scarcity of news about Poland in Spain when a fact does not arouse the interest of the agencies. I say all this so that you do not think that there is a great conspiracy to silence these things. If this news does not reach it, it is due to a combination of factors: language barriers, the scarcity of agencies that have reached certain news, the lack of interest of the Spanish media in Polish current affairs and, of course, the bias of many media outlets: when an abuse is committed by a like-minded politician, many media outlets look the other way.

On the other hand, I have been searching for news in English from media outside Poland, also without results. The only text in English that I have found was published yesterday by Notes from Poland, a website in English edited from Poland and clearly favorable to the government of Donald Tusk. Significantly, that news omits the images of the burst safes, which reveal precisely what happened yesterday at that courthouse. Notes from Poland has also omitted the NCJ's announcement that it will present a complaint for these facts, a fact that I collected in my article this morning.

In a democracy, information pluralism and the work of journalism are vitally important, since they serve to supervise the actions of political power and denounce possible abuses. The silence of foreign media regarding what happened yesterday in Poland is an alarming fact. Many of us believed that in a world dominated by telecommunications, in which information flows like it has never done before in history , these facts would be difficult to hide. Unfortunately, if the media does not do its job (for whatever reasons), we citizens lose out.

As I have said many times, Contando Estrelas is not a media outlet: it is a non-profit blog. This is an opinion space managed by a single person. Nobody pays me to write the articles I publish here. But if my articles serve to make things like these known in Spain, I consider the time it takes me to publish them well spent, a time that includes documenting what I am going to write to make the sources available to the readers. I think this is healthy when it comes to publishing current events, but even healthier is having alternative sources, and that you don't have to find out about certain things only through a blog.


Photo: Tingey Injury Law Firm.

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