Santiago Abascal already warned in April what this regularization would imply

Illegal immigration: Feijóo warns of the 'call effect' after supporting massive regularization

The Popular Party is used to announcing one thing and doing the opposite, and today its national president has done it again.

The great favor of all the Spanish parties except Vox to the illegal immigration mafias
The PP calls for an immigration emergency a day after supporting massive regularization

Feijóo: “I am worried about the increase in irregular immigrants in my country”

In a session of the European People's Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo has warned of the "call effect" of illegal immigration (you can see the video here). During his speech, the national president of the Popular Party of Spain stated:

"I see the duty to appeal today for European help to control immigration. I am concerned about the increase in irregular immigrants in my country, in Spain. In recent years, and especially in recent times. The Spanish government is very late to this issue, which we have already warned about on many occasions. We are the second country in the European Union with the highest number of immigrants from outside the European Union. The government itself recognizes that illegal immigration increased by 82% in 2023."

In April the PP supported a massive regularization of illegal immigrants

These statements come three months after the approval by Congress of a massive regularization of illegal immigrants, in a vote held on April 9. This is a new amnesty that could benefit 500,000 people who entered Spain illegally, a clear way to reward breaking the law. The measure was approved by 310 votes in favor and 33 against. The PP voted in favor and Vox was the only party that voted against.

Abascal already warned in April what this regularization would imply

When that measure was approved, the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, warned:

"Mr. Feijóo has just supported something much worse than regulating half a million illegals. They (the entire Congress except VOX) have supported the business of the mafias that have brought them in, they have amplified the call effect and they will make many more come under the same conditionsThey are clothed in sensitivity and compassion... but they are collaborating with human trafficking, with the destruction of security and with the ruin of the Spanish and the people. immigrants who come to Spain legally."

What did the PP expect to happen by supporting a massive regularization of 500,000 immigrants? Does that party have so little political experience that it ignored the consequences of supporting such a terribly irresponsible measure? With what moral authority does Feijóo now ask Europe for help after having clearly contributed to this "call effect" just three months ago?


Photo: Partido Popular.

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