They have been exposing children to inappropriate content for decades

Socialism and pornography: an arsonist who wants to regulate the size of the flames

The left in general is an expert at offering stupid and ineffective solutions to problems that it itself has created or aggravated.

The spooky ultimate purpose of gender ideology explained by one of its creators
A Spanish minister says children can “have sexual relations with whoever they want”

The risk that the government will leak this information to destroy political rivals

Yesterday, the government of Pedro Sánchez announced a system to regulate access to pornography in Spain, through a system of credentials that will depend on the State. This announcement has generated all kinds of comments on social networks and in the media, among them some that point out the risk posed by a government known for its illegal leaks having in its possession information about Spaniards' access to content. pornographic.

If that were to be applied, how long would it take to see the first leaks of that confidential information? Does anyone expect good faith from this government having in its power the ability to destroy the reputation of a political rival? The Sánchez government has already demonstrated that it has no scruples or respect for legality, which is why It is legitimate to fear that this is a sexual version of the "big brother" from George Orwell's novel "1984".

Four years ago the PSOE vetoed the parental pin proposed by Vox

Beyond that, with this announcement the socialists demonstrate great cynicism. Socialist governments have been doing everything possible for decades to destroy the authority of parents when it comes to educating children, especially with regard to the constitutional right to decide the religious and moral education they want for their children. . The left has been despising modesty for a long time as something retrograde and proclaiming the benefits of a so-called "sexual liberation" that, in the end, turns many minors into slaves to pornography.

We must not forget that the same PSOE that now proposes absurd and ineffective measures to access pornography four years ago he rejected the parental pin, a measure proposed by Vox so that families would have the power to veto "activities with a marked ideological character or content of ethical, moral, social or sexual values." The PSOE wanted left-wing activists to expose children to sexual content inappropriate for their age, but now it intends to regulate pornography by forcing adults to obtain a government permit to view content suitable for adults.

Socialism and its inability to recognize its mistakes

In the end, what socialism does is always the same: it causes a problem or aggravates it, and then offers stupid solutions in order to solve it. Solutions that serve no purpose, except to give us the impression that the socialists have done something about it or, what is worse, to increase the control of the State over our lives, which in the end always It is the goal of all socialists. The same thing happened with abortion, a crime legalized by the socialists in Spain and which has fatally contributed to the demographic suicide that our country is experiencing. Instead of recognizing their mistake, the socialists try to solve it by bringing in immigrants en masse, with the false argument that they will pay our pensions, causing more and more insecurity problems in our neighborhoods.

It doesn't matter when and where you read this: socialism is like an arsonist who first burns something and then proposes regulating the size of the flames, when things have gotten out of hand. As has been happening for many years, the socialists will do whatever it takes to avoid recognizing that they were wrong. They are ideologically incapable of assuming their large part of the blame in the destruction of paternal authority over children, in the expulsion of moral values ​​from education and in their replacement by a sexual indoctrination that destroys the innocence of the little ones.


Photo: Elentir.

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