Socialism made the wrong diagnosis and now blames the right-wing

Spain: the result of 20 years of prejudging murders of women with an ideological filter

One of the biggest challenges when fighting crime is knowing its causes, to find the best way to combat it from its roots.

The nationality of the murderers of women in Spain: the fact that silences feminists
Two murders of little children knock down the sexist dogmas of the left

The error of trying to explain crime in a simplistic way

The science that is dedicated to investigating these causes is criminology. The UFV publishes this definition that I ask you to read carefully: "Criminology is a multidisciplinary science that is responsible for the study of crime, its causes, consequences and prevention. It allows us to understand behavior crime, analyze the social impact and develop strategies to prevent and control crime."

Like everything in society, crime is a complex reality that does not have a single explanation. For this reason, the work of criminology is not easy and consists of investigating each case (which is typical of the scientific method). Those who insist on the error of explaining crime in a simplistic way, as if all criminal acts had a common cause, are wrong. This mistake can have fatal consequences if those who make it are the legislators.

The socialist law that implemented the concept of "gender violence"

In 2004, in Spain, Congress unanimously approved the comprehensive law against gender violence, promoted by the socialists and that offered an a priori explanation of the violence suffered by women, synthesizing it in the expression "gender violence", which it defined as "the most brutal symbol of the inequality that exists in our society. It is a violence that is directed at women for the very fact of being women, because they are considered, by their aggressors, to lack the minimum rights of freedom, respect and decision-making capacity.".

From then on, the entire strategy of the different governments to combat the murders of women at the hands of men has been based on that premise. Campaigns have been promoted in which men were openly demonized, as if all men were violent. The term "denialism" began to be used to accuse those who did not agree with this thesis, in order to stigmatize them and equate them with those who deny the Holocaust.

Socialists blame the right for the failure of this socialist law

Finally, 20 years later and without this law having managed to prevent and control these crimes, the socialists who promoted it blame the right, as if the fact of not agreeing with the wrong diagnosis that was made in that law would make it guilty of the result of its application. According to the left, if murders of women continue to be committed, the fault lies not with a law that is useless, but with those who criticize that law. It is a perverse, cynical and undemocratic way of trying to prevent something so democratic as it is that you can criticize a law: blame those who do not support it for its failure.

A simplistic diagnosis for crimes without specific patterns

Curiously, in January 2024, in response to a written question from the Vox parliamentary group, the socialist government indicated that it does not see "specific" patterns or "common risk factors" in the cases of "gender violence" recorded in 2023 (beyond, of course, the a priori assessment that these cases are explainable by "machismo").

A strategy that creates first and second class victims

That is to say, the only common factor that these cases have is the sex of the victims and the aggressors, and the government bases its entire strategy on that, at the same time that retire their attention to those cases in which the aggressor is a woman, including those cases in which the victims are children, simply because those cases do not fit their ideological patterns and, therefore, the victims seem to matter less: they don't even dedicate a minute of silence. As a consequence, now in Spain there are first and second class victims in the field of domestic violence.

Alcoholism and its influence on domestic violence

In the case of violence within the family or couple, it can have many causes: alcoholism, mental disorders, family conflicts, etc. In 2014, the Forensic Medicine Notebooks published a report pointing out the following: "men who consume alcohol exercise violence towards their partner in a greater proportion in a sober state than in a drunken state. However, Alcohol consumption represents an added increase in the frequency of violence committed. Likewise, the results of the study show that men who do not consume alcohol exercise violence at a lower rate than those who do." The study also added: "a violent episode is eight times more likely to occur on a day when a man has consumed alcohol than on a day when that same man has not."

Despite this fact, in Spain public campaigns against alcoholism focus on driving and, to a lesser extent, on alcohol consumption by young people. Its impact on domestic violence is systematically overlooked in public messages perhaps because that would imply recognizing that the a priori explanation offered by the socialists in 2004 was erroneous, and would mean accepting that there are different causes in that form of violence that deserves to be analyzed a posteriori, in order to take preventive measures.

What is the money that should be used to protect women used for?

Thus, in Spain million-dollar amounts are spent on institutional campaigns, creating observatories and financing activists to combat a crime with a wrong diagnosis, and all this by making people believe that these crimes can be eradicated if we do this or that thing (eradicate "machismo"). It is the classic utopian recipe that allows the political movement that proposes it to live at the expense of taxpayers without the problem it claims to want to eradicate ever being resolved.

At the same time, and as we are already seeing, all that large amount of money wasted on these purposes is no longer invested in protecting women whose partners have a restraining order, which prevents them from providing a safer environment in which to live. How many police resources, shelters and electronic monitoring devices for aggressors could be financed with the millions squandered by the Ministry of Equality? It is a question that we should ask ourselves every time a woman is murdered.

Instead, the socialists insist on blaming those who criticize the errors of strategy of the left in this matter, a strategy that does not serve to effectively combat crimes and that is mainly aimed at imposing on the society the ideology of the left, an aberrant ideology for which there are first and second class victims depending on their sex, even when those victims are children.


Photo: Pixabay.

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