The things published by one of the media closest to Pedro Sánchez's government

A list that shows what the Spanish left-wing considers real journalism

One of the differences between a democracy and a dictatorship lies in the relationship between journalism and political power.

Sánchez, his mafia-like exercise of power and the silence of a large part of journalism
Pedro Sánchez imitates a measure of the Putin regime to limit press freedom

In a democracy, journalism has the function of monitoring political power. In a dictatorship it is the political power that monitors journalism. Of course, in the second case this surveillance is not only carried out by government officials: there are always informers willing to point the finger at disaffection with power.

A few days ago,, one of the best-known pro-government media in Spain, published a report with its accounts in 2023, a report signed by its director, the ultra-leftist Ignacio Escolar. The report states that this media outlet received 548,369 euros from the government in 2023, in addition to another 917,881 euros from city councils, councils, regional governments, regional or local public companies and European Union organizations. In total there are 1,466,240 euros in institutional advertising.

After that, on June 27 Ignacio Escolar appeared in Congress to defend the regulation of the media that the Sánchez government intends to implement, a regulation whose supposed The need for the socialist government has arisen coincidentally at the same time as the socialist corruption scandals uncovered by some media. Some corruption scandals in the face of which the pro-government media act as the government's bodyguards. For example, in the case that affects the wife of Pedro Sánchez, what Escolar did was criticize the judge.

Media like Escolar's is what the left is trying to sell us as serious and real journalism compared to what Pedro Sánchez qualifies as "pseudomedia", which are basically all those that the government does not like. To give you an idea, this is what that medium has been publishing in the last ten years:

Is this the journalism model that the Sánchez government wants us to follow? What the government is telling us is that the "pseudomedia" are the Spanish media that do not do these things? I excuse adding another list with examples of biased news and omitted information because they were annoying for the left, since the list would be very long and no one pays me to write. I remind you that this blog, unlike, does not receive a single cent in public subsidies. I support it with my money.


Photo: PSOE.

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