Tourism is a great source of income and prosperity for Spaniards

Why does the far-left reject legal tourism and at the same time support illegal immigration?

If we had to explain the purpose of the extreme left in just two words, "ruin" and "oppression" would be enough.

You cannot know the origin of a criminal but you can know the data of the Treasury debtors
The great favor of all the Spanish parties except Vox to the illegal immigration mafias

The extreme left and the reason for its propensity to generate poverty

The desire of the extreme left to promote oppression has been amply demonstrated with communist dictatorships, both those that have disappeared and those that still exist. But there are still people who do not believe that the extreme left intends to ruin our society, despite the abundant evidence of this: their theories about degrowth" (looking for excuses like environmentalism), his calls for more poverty "by hook or by crook" and, at the end of the day , the idea that if there are more poor people that is positive for the communists (as Lenin said), since a prosperous society would never pay attention to these charlatans.

Podemos criticizes tourism...

One of the fronts that the extreme left uses to promote this ruin are attacks on tourism, which is one of the greatest sources of wealth for countries like Spain. In these attacks, the communists exhibit arguments like these: "cities are for living, not for tourists", some words spoken by Ione Belarra, general secretary of Podemos, this Saturday during a demonstration against tourism in Malaga. Basically, Belarra's message could be summarized in "Málaga for the people of Malaga", a curious approach on the part of an extreme left that at the same time considers it "fascism" to say things like "Spain for the Spaniards."

... two months after supporting massive and illegal immigration

In fact, two months ago Belarra and the other Podemos deputies voted in favor of a massive regularization of 500,000 illegal immigrants. That is to say, this communist party rejects legal tourism, which is a considerable source of wealth and work for much of Spain, and at the same time supports illegal and massive immigration, which contributes to degrading the most modest neighborhoods of many cities and towns and is generating serious insecurity problems.

Tourism is a great source of prosperity for Spaniards

Obviously, the extreme left of Podemos is not interested in tourism because it is a source of prosperity, and as I have already pointed out, prosperous societies do not usually pay attention to those apostles of ruin who have destroyed countries whole with its disastrous socialist recipes. What Podemos wants is an increasingly poor, degraded and desperate society, because only under these conditions can people be tempted to pay attention to charlatans like Ione Belarra.

Belarra doesn't like tourism... when others do it

What charlatans like Ione Belarra do not explain is what happens to people who want to go on vacation from Madrid to the coast, for example, during the summer, when very high temperatures are reached in the capital of Spain. Two years ago, Ione Belarra stated on Instagram that she had to "run away from Madrid city to be able to enter a swimming pool", since in the capital it was 40ºC. In the summer of 2021, Belarra posted a photo enjoying her vacation in the beach, something very strange, because Belarra is from Pamplona (where there is no beach) and lives in Madrid, where there is no coast either. In the end, it seems that charlatans like the general secretary of Podemos what bothers them is tourism, but only when others do it.


Photo: Podemos.

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