The double standards of the PP and the PSOE with information in Spain

You cannot know the origin of a criminal but you can know the data of the Treasury debtors

In the last few hours we have learned about two pieces of news in Spain that show the aberrant information paradox that we are experiencing.

The great favor of all the Spanish parties except Vox to the illegal immigration mafias
The nationality of the murderers of women in Spain: the fact that silences feminists

PP and PSOE agreed to hide the nationality of criminals on RTVE

This Thursday, the Vox deputy Manuel Mariscal posed a question in Congress to Concepción Cascajosa, president of RTVE and a member of the PSOE, in relation to information published by La Gaceta de la Iberosfera on June 19, which revealed that PP and PSOE agreed hide the nationality of criminals in the media in 2003. Mariscal asked Cascajosa if there is an internal guideline at RTVE to hide the nationality of criminals.

In his response, Cascajosa recognized that this guideline exists, in such a way that "the nationality of any person only It will be specified when it is relevant to the understanding of the information." The president of RTVE justified this concealment by stating that "we must identify criminals with the precaution of not highlighting data that could provoke unfair or dangerous value judgments, such as mentioning their ethnicity, their color skin, their religion, their origin or their sexual orientation."

Governments of the PP and PSOE have been publishing lists of Treasury debtors

Very few media have echoed that information. Paradoxically, this Friday, the Tax Agency has published a list with the data of the Treasury debtors, a publication that has been made annually for years, under PP and PSOE governments. The list includes the name of the debtor, its tax identification number and the amount pending payment. Unlike what happened yesterday, this list is making news in many media, which are pointing out the name and surname to some of those debtors.

Hiding the effects of the migration policies of the PP and the PSOE

We must remember that the current immigration policy in Spain was initiated by the government of José María Aznar, who was in charge of the executive when the PP and the PSOE agreed to hide the nationality of the criminals on RTVE. Both the PP and the PSOE are responsible for the wave of massive immigration in Spain. Let us also remember that two months ago both parties supported a massive regularization of 500,000 illegal immigrants, with the only vote against Vox. This is already generating a security problem in Spain, degrading entire neighborhoods and subjecting many Spaniards and legal immigrants to risk situations that seriously affect their daily lives.

Instead of applying the transparency typical of a democracy, the solution of the PP and the PSOE to this problem is to hide it, so that the Spanish people do not know to what extent this issue affects their security. In fact, recently the expression "Jovenlandia" (Youngland) has been extended to refer to foreign criminals whose origin is omitted by the media, which only refer to them as "young people."

The PP and the PSOE do not want you to know the origin of the criminals, but they do want you to know the data of the Treasury debtors. It is worth asking if the fear of "provoking unfair or dangerous value judgments" It is applicable to perpetrators of murders, rapes and robberies, but not to those people who have debts with the Treasury. Is all this explained, perhaps, because the vast majority of Treasury debtors are Spanish?


Photo: Policía Nacional. A Yemeni citizen arrested in Spain in 2021 for keeping his two nieces kidnapped for eight years.

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