Pedro Sánchez called to imitate the socialist leader who affirmed that purpose

The PSOE wanted to impose red flags on public buildings: will that be next?

One of the things that characterizes a democracy is the political neutrality to which public institutions are obliged.

LGBT flags in public buildings: Pedro Sánchez incites to disobey a court ruling
Pedro Sánchez said he would imitate a socialist leader who led a coup d'état

The Supreme Court declared it illegal to raise unofficial flags on public buildings

Four years ago, the Supreme Court of Spain issued a ruling that stated the following: "it is not compatible with the current constitutional and legal framework, and in particular, with the duty of objectivity and neutrality of Public Administrations the use, even occasionally, of unofficial flags outside buildings and public spaces, even when they do not replace, but rather that attend, with the flag of Spain and the other legally or statutorily instituted ones."

This ruling confirmed the precepts included in the Law 39/1981, which only contemplates the use of official flags in public buildings. That ruling left the use of separatist, republican and LGBT flags in public buildings out of the law, since they are unofficial flags that only represent an ideology or a specific political position. Despite this, institutions controlled by the PSOE, the Popular Party and other parties continue to illegally raise LGBT flags in public buildings, disobeying that ruling.

The socialist Pedro Sánchez disobeys that court ruling...

Last year, in yet another display of his absolute contempt for the rule of law, the socialist Pedro Sánchez stated: "Removing an LGTBI flag from a façade of a public institution is taking away rights." That is, the president of the government of Spain called to disobey a judicial ruling that recalls the duty of objectivity and neutrality of Public Administrations.

... and his government attacks the institutions that refuse to disobey it

In yet another attack on the rule of law and in a new act of disobedience, the Minister of Equality, the socialist Ana Redondo, criticized the institutions that do not display the LGBT flag, stating that "it is not in accordance with the Constitution nor is it based on jurisprudence. There is no valid excuse, except for the hatred they are sowing." It is not enough for Redondo to instigate disobedience of a court ruling, but also has threatened the Valencia City Council, which refused to raise the LGBT flag alleging that "Valencia City Council does not put flags on the balcony, but not for Pride Day; it does not put it up for ALS Day, or Alzheimer's Day, or Cancer Day.".

The Spanish left is crossing more and more red lines in its desire to impose its ideology on all Spaniards. It is intolerable that a government openly calls to disobey a Supreme Court ruling. It is intolerable that the government pressures public institutions to hang an unofficial and clearly ideological flag, no matter how much it does so claiming that this flag represents freedom and equality (something very questionable). We Spaniards already have a flag that represents us all and that symbolizes our freedoms: the Flag of Spain. An official flag which the socialists refuse to hoist in many town halls, breaking the law without the government does nothing to prevent it.

In 1931 the PSOE expressed its desire to raise red flags on public buildings

The situation that is being experienced with the LGBT flag in Spain is similar to what would happen if the government forced red flags - those traditionally used by the left - to be placed in public institutions, alleging that these flags They represent equality and the fight for the rights of the working class (arguments as questionable as those used to justify the imposition of the LGBT flag). Does it seem exaggerated to you? On November 8, 1931, Francisco Largo Caballero, leader of the PSOE, stated:

"We have to fight no matter what, until the towers and official buildings fly, not a tricolor flag of a bourgeois Republic, but the red flag of the Socialist Revolution."

These words appeared in number 7,726 of "El Socialista", newspaper PSOE official (see PDF), November 9, 1931, on page 6:

Sánchez called to imitate the socialist leader who affirmed that purpose

In May 2021, Pedro Sánchez stated about Largo Caballero: "He acted as we want to act". That is to say, the current president of the government of Spain expressly said that he wants to imitate a totalitarian who wanted to impose red flags on public buildings. At the moment, his government is already violating a court ruling and imposing the LGBT flag on the entire society, attacking those who refuse to raise it. Will the next thing be to force red flags to be raised in public institutions?


Photo: Gerry.

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