Pedro Sánchez's party does not want to follow the EU recommendations

The PSOE refuses to depoliticize Justice: the pact signed with the PP was just smoke

Yesterday I pointed out here the serious mistake made by the PP by trusting some liars, agreeing with them to share the Judicial Power.

CGPJ: a betrayal disguised as a success that depends on the word of a liar
After the betrayal of the People's Party in Brussels and Poland, it is the turn of Spain

One of the things I pointed out in my article yesterday is that the Socialist Party (PSOE) is now closer to controlling Justice than before, while the PP only has smoke, and that the only thing that the People's Party (PP) achieved with that pact is to whitewash Sánchez at a time when he is dismantling our rule of law. The PSOE has only taken a few hours to confirm that it does not have the slightest intention of depoliticizing Justice, and that it does not consider itself obliged by said agreement to comply with the recommendations of the European Union and the Council of Europe.

The PP said that it agreed with the PSOE to follow the European recommendations

Yesterday, the People's Party assured that the bill agreed with the PSOE to develop this pact entrusts "the new members of the Council with the drafting of a project of law that reforms the method of electing members in the governing body of judgesthat takes into account the demands of the European Commission and its recommendations regarding the rule of law in the member countries."

These recommendations imply that the judges choose the judges

What are those recommendations? The Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), dependent on the Council of Europe, has been pointing out "the need to eliminate the election of the judicial turn by politicians" in relation to the composition of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), as already pointed out in a 2019 report (see PDF) on prevention of corruption regarding members of national parliaments, judges and prosecutors. That is, the judges must elect the judges. It is the same thing that the European Commission pointed out two years ago.

The PSOE wants Justice to continue to be politicized

Against these recommendations, the PSOE has been stating that judges have to be chosen by politicians. In fact, the current CGPJ election system, totally politicized, is the result a socialist law of 1985. Obviously, that judges are chosen by politicians violates one of the pillars of democracy, which is judicial independence. An independence in which the PSOE has never believed, as it has been demonstrating for years.

Yesterday, the minister of the presidency, the socialist Félix Bolaños, pointed out that his agreement for the PP does not contemplate the election of judges by judges:"I defend and support our model", he stated on Cadena SER. His model, the PSOE model, is a politicized Justice in which politicians elect the judges, so as I pointed out yesterday, the pact with the PP is just smoke. What this pact has served for is for the PP and the PSOE to once again share the CGPJ, as they have been doing for decades. Let's see with what face the PP and its related media continue to sell us this deception as a "success" against the socialists and progress for judicial independence.


Photo: GTRES.

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