The former president of the United States has joined the theses of appeasement

Trump's regrettable answers about Ukraine, Israel and abortion in an interview

As you well know, during his term I defended then-President Donald Trump, especially for his position in defense of life.

Donald Trump was a pro-life politician but his words indicate that he is no longer one
The drift of the anti-Western right: yesterday Moscow, now Tehran, tomorrow Pyongyang?

However, lately I'm seeing some of Trump's positions that I like less and less. Yesterday, All-In Podcast interviewed Trump for over an hour You can see the full interview here:

Trump blames Russia's invasion of Ukraine on its desire to join NATO

At the 21:40 point of the video, Trump repeated his thesis that the Russian invasion of Ukraine would never have happened if he were president. But this time he went a step further, in line with some conservatives in USA that have assumed the pro-Russian narrative about this war. Trump attributed the Russian invasion to two reasons: The first is the increase in oil prices. The second reason he expressed in these words:

"I heard that NATO, if Ukraine goes into NATO, it's a real problem for Russia. I've heard that for a long time and I think that's really why this war started."

This is one of the lies most repeated by pro-Russian propagandists and it is embarrassing to hear it from someone who aspires to be president of the United States again. It must be remembered that other countries bordering Russia have joined NATO: Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and more recently Finland, which joined the Atlantic Alliance after being threatened by Putin not to join. did. None of those countries have been invaded by Russia precisely because they have the NATO shield to protect them.

Ukraine could be invaded precisely because Merkel vetoed its entry into NATO

Those that have been invaded or partially occupied by Russia are Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, which are not in NATO. In fact, if Russia was able to invade Ukraine it is because Germany vetoed joining NATO in 2008, when Angela Merkel was German Prime Minister. If Finland and Sweden, two traditionally neutral countries, have recently joined NATO it is precisely because the Russian invasion of Ukraine demonstrated the danger that Russia's neighbors face if they do not have that protective shield of the Alliance. Atlantic.

Trump's claim is as ridiculous as claiming that a woman was raped because she sought protection in a police station when a man was chasing her with the intention of raping her. What Trump does is blame the Russian invasion not on the aggressor, but on those who offered a protective shield to the attacked, a shield that Merkel refused to grant.

Trump: “I would have made a fair deal with Iran”

In the interview, Trump applies rhetoric similar to the war in the Middle East, repeating once again that this would not have happened with him, with the following argument:

"Iran was broke they had no money. I sanctioned countries that wanted to buy oil from Iran and I would have made a fair deal with Iran. I was going to get along with Iran I was going to get along with everybody. We did the Abraham Accords. I think eventually Iran would have been in the Abraham Accords. We had four strong countries go in and nobody went in since I got out."

Iran is an Islamist dictatorship that has been promoting terrorism for decades (and supporting criminal groups like Hamas) and threatening to wipe Israel off the map. Trump's thesis is that a pact had to be made with that criminal regime. It is a thesis as aberrant as stating that the Second World War would not have occurred if France and the United Kingdom had made a pact with Germany (of In fact, they did it in 1938 by giving him Czechoslovakia and that only served to strengthen Hitler).

Trump assumes the erroneous thesis that totalitarians and terrorists can be appeased by making agreements with them. If Reagan had assumed that idea, part of Europe would probably still be under the Soviet yoke and the USSR would not have disappeared. History shows that appeasing tyrants only serves to strengthen them. It is alarming to see the idea of ​​appeasement now embraced by the person most likely to become the next US president.

Trump and his abandonment of pro-life positions

On the other hand, in the interview Trump was also asked if he would support a national ban on abortion in the US. Let us remember that a few months ago the Biden administration threatened to impose abortion nationwide through a federal law to circumvent the ruling of the Supreme Court two years ago that returned to the states the ability to decide whether abortion should be treated as a crime or as a right. In his response, Trump clearly stated that he would not support such a national ban.

Trump argues that his decision to place several judges who gave rise to the aforementioned ruling on the Supreme Court simply sought to return that jurisdiction to the states and nothing more. This statement is no surprise. Let us remember that last year Trump criticized the pro-life laws of some states calling them "a terrible mistake" and stating that he intends to please both parties, that is, those who are pro-life and those who are pro-abortion, something as absurd as stating that anti-slavery and slaveholders can be satisfied.

As I have already said, I have been a supporter of Trump and Biden seems like a terrible president to me. I would have voted for Trump years ago seeing the pro-life positions he adopted during his term. But I cannot support a person who is saying the things that Trump says, because they imply leaving the West defenseless against two of its greatest threats (Russian imperialism and Islamist terrorism supported by Iran) and because it has adopted an equidistant position on the issue of abortion that in the end only benefits the supporters of that monstrosity. Of course, it is unfortunate to see the direction that this man is taking and, with him, part of the American right.


Photo: AP Foto.

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