One more example of the double standard of the Spanish extreme left

What Minister Urtasun voted for when the EU condemned the crimes of communism

On September 19, 2019, the European Parliament passed a resolution condemning the crimes of communism and Nazism.

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Spanish Parliament refuses to condemn the crimes of Nazism and Communism

That resolution, RC-B9-0097/2019 (can be read here), stated the following: "the Nazi and communist regimes carried out mass murders, genocide and deportations and caused a loss of life and freedom in the 20th century on a scale unseen in human history." This resolution was approved by 535 votes in favor, 66 against and 52 abstentions.

The result of the vote can be seen here (PDF, page 24). As anyone can see, among the MEPs who voted against was Ernest Urtasun, who represented the far-left coalition Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds.. Today Urtasun is the Minister of Culture of the Pedro Sánchez government. Three years ago, on March 25, 2021, in the Congress of Deputies, that government voted against a conviction of the crimes of communism that requested ratification in Spain of the aforementioned resolution approved by the European Parliament in 2019.

This Thursday, Urtasun has announced that the government will request the extinction of the Francisco Franco Foundation appealing to the law of "democratic memory", a memory that Urtasun did not apply to the victims of communism five years ago, when he voted against the European resolution that condemned the crimes against them.

The Spanish left is not bothered that Franco was a dictator, but that he was not a communist dictator. In fact, in 2014 and also in the European Parliament, Urtasun voted against a resolution that condemned the repression in Venezuela by the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro, a resolution that Urtasun described as "a cruelty and a general cause against Venezuela." It is the same Urtasun who now invokes "democratic memory", exhibiting a cynicism that seems to have no limits.


Photo: La Moncloa.

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