Her name is Fatemeh Sepehri and her case is barely talked about in the West

The statement for which this woman was sentenced to 18 years in prison in Iran

Since 1979, 45 years ago, the people of Iran have been subjected to an atrocious Islamist dictatorship that violates the most basic human rights.

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The mere fact of exercising the right to freedom of expression by expressing absolutely legitimate ideas, but which this dictatorship does not tolerate, can lead to a long prison sentence for any person as punishment. A recent example is that of Fatemeh Sepehri, a woman born in 1964, very critical of that dictatorship and who defends the rights of women in Iran, under an extremely misogynistic regime that treats women and girls as second-class human beings, subjecting them to all kinds of discrimination.

Last Thursday, June 13, in a news item signed by Azadeh Akbari, Iran International reported that Fatemeh Sepehri has been sentenced to 18 years in prisonfor making a statement condemning the Hamas terrorist attack against Israelon October 7, 2023. The sentence, handed down by the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad, was announced by Asghar Sepehri, Fatemeh's brother, via Twitter. The statement for which Fatemeh was sentenced said this:

"I condemn Hamas’s attack on Israel and say loudly that the Iranian nation stands by the Israeli nation. The Islamic Republic and its agents spend Iran’s wealth to buy bullets and attack Israel. We, the people of Iran neither want war nor the killing of defenseless people. I again condemn Hamas’s attack. Since the rise to power of Ali Khamenei and the founding of the Islamic Republic, the Middle East has not seen peace."

Fatemeh made this statement knowing the implications it could have and being sick. She is a woman who shows much more courage than those feminists who in the West demonstrate against Israel and in favor of Palestinian terrorism that is supported and financed by the Iranian dictatorship. Unfortunately, the sentence handed down against Fatemeh has barely been broadcast in the Western media, which however does lend itself to spreading the lies of the Hamas terrorists, as we have been seeing since that attack on October 7.

Fatemeh's words should remove consciences in the West and rethink the relationship of free countries with the Iranian dictatorship. It is outrageous to see that democratic countries treat this undemocratic regime with cordiality and even allow themselves to be taught by it in matters of human rights, as the government of Pedro Sánchez did in 2020, humiliating Spain in the face of an Islamist dictatorship that oppresses the Persian people, discriminates against women and promotes terrorism beyond its borders.


Photo: iranwire.com.

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