The media that spews hatred against Israel for rescuing four hostages

The headlines that would have been published about D-Day with today's leftist media

This week, specifically on Friday, June 7, eight months passed since the brutal terrorist attack by Hamas against Israel.

Yamam, the Israeli special force that freed four hostages who were kidnapped by Hamas
The IDF dismantle the Hamas hoax that was used by Sánchez to slander Israel

They have assumed the false narrative and figures of Hamas

These eight months have been very illustrative of the lack of rigor and scruples of many media outlets, but especially of the leftist media, which have assumed the false narrative and figures spread by Hamas totally uncritically.

It is the first time that we see in such a massive way media that call themselves democratic siding with a terrorist group against a democratic country, because it has decided to exercise its right to defend itself after the greatest massacre suffered by the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

The anti-Semitic idea that drives this manipulation campaign is very clear: Jews have no right to defend themselves, neither as individuals, nor as a people, nor as a State. This idea conveys the perverse belief that Jews deserve all the evils that happen to them and that they should simply allow themselves to be killed.

Display of hate and manipulation after the rescue of four hostages

Yesterday we checked it again with the rescue operation of four hostages by Israel, hostages who have suffered eight months of captivity at the hands of Hamas. The leftist media (and also other media that follow the ideological agenda of the left to the letter) have begun to spew their hatred based on the death tolls published by the kidnappers.

What would your headlines be like if they were talking about D-Day?

It's not hard to imagine what headlines those media outlets would have published about D-Day, whose 80th anniversary was celebrated this Thursday, June 6:

  • "The Allies invade Normandy, murdering 400,000 people" (false figures provided by the nazi occupiers that would have been disseminated with the same lack of critical sense with which the figures are published of Hamas).
  • "Bloody landing operation reopens the debate on the disproportionate response of the Allies against Germany" (a headline that would have been published by media that were not scandalized by the German invasion of Poland, just as now Israel's counterattack is criminalized by media that tried to downplay the severity of Hamas' terrorist attack).
  • "The Allies commit genocide in Normandy under the pretext of liberating France" (headline that would appear in media that would never have accused the Nazis of "genocide", in the same way way that some media accuse Israel of "genocide" but not Hamas).
  • "The Allies kill hundreds of Germans who were spending a few days on the coast of Normandy" (a headline that would be published by media that would not even have reported the German invasion of France, in the same way that many media do not report on Hamas and Hezbollah attacks against Israel and only report on Israeli counterattacks, as if Israel were the one that attacked first).
  • "Churchill insists on betting on war, ignoring calls to negotiate" (something similar to what some media do by pointing to Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, as if he was the one who started the war against Hamas and as if the people of Israel did not support that military response against the terrorists).

An information terrorism that is dedicated to encouraging anti-Semitism

Do these headlines seem exaggerated to you? Just look at some leftist media (or those that claim not to be but do the same as leftist journalism) to find headlines that are just as manipulative as those. The difference between 1944 and 2024 is that today we know to what extreme anti-Semitism can reach, which is the common denominator of Hitler's dictatorship and the Hamas terrorists.

After the horrors of the Holocaust and after the brutal pogrom of October 7, 2023, that some media continue to fuel anti-Semitism as they are doing today is a clear form of informational terrorism, a terrorism that feeds by an irrational and sick hatred: hatred against the Jews, a hatred that today is concentrated in the only Jewish State in the world.

A hate campaign against Israel that is not directed against the worst dictatorships

No other country, not even Russia (with all the atrocities it has committed during the Russian invasion of Ukraine), is the target of a hate campaign as massive and crude as that suffered by Israel , which is a democratic country that only wants to live in peace, in the face of neighbors who have been obsessed with erasing Jews from the map for decades.

In the world there are still some communist dictatorships (including that of Beijing, responsible for many millions of deaths) and dozens of Islamic regimes that commit all kinds of abuses and crimes against his own people, obscenely discriminating against women, persecuting Christians and treating homosexuals in an atrocious way. None of these regimes concentrate the amount of hatred that Israel receives, for the simple fact of being a Jewish State. Whatever some may say, it is increasingly clear that anti-Zionism - the denial of Israel's right to exist - is anti-Semitism.


Photo: Naval History and Heritage Command. US soldiers advancing towards Omaha Beach in a landing craft on June 6, 1944.

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