That's what many media outlets do today with Middle East news

Can you imagine the media publishing the story of current events in Spain at the dictates of ETA?

Spain has experienced the scourge of ETA terrorism for decades, murdering 853 people, including 22 children and babies.

In our name NO: many Spaniards reject Sánchez's award to Hamas
The headlines that would have been published about D-Day with today's leftist media

In addition to committing murders, ETA dedicated itself to other criminal activities, such as extortion, kidnapping (86 people suffered that hell, the longest kidnapping was that of José Antonio Ortega Lara: 532 days in a zulo) and threats against those who did not agree with his ideology. Let us also remember that in addition to these 853 murders, the 3,500 terrorist attacks by ETA left 2,632 injured and mutilated and more than 7,000 victims, including entire families destroyed by the loss of one or more of their members.

Imagine for a moment how you would feel if when ETA was committing murders, kidnappings, extortions and other criminal acts, the national and international media had reported on current events in Spain following the slogans of that criminal gang, especially reproducing their lies without questioning them, lies whose purpose was to justify the crimes of that terrorist group.

Well that is precisely what Israel has to endure today, what it has been enduring during these eight months that have passed since the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7, 2023, which was the worst massacre suffered by the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

Today, after the release yesterday of four hostages by Israel in a daring rescue operation, Hamas terrorists still have in their possession 120 people kidnapped eight months ago. People who are often ignored by many politicians and by many media outlets who are scandalized by the Israeli military response against that attack much more than they were scandalized by the hundreds of Israelis murdered, tortured, burned alive and kidnapped. by Hamas.

In that terrorist attack alone, Hamas murdered and kidnapped more people than ETA in its entire criminal history, but some bastards who call themselves journalists continue to accept Hamas' lies without questioning them, publishing their false figures of deaths and omitting the important fact that Hamas uses Gaza civilians as human shields, risking their lives by converting civilian facilities used as bases by terrorists into legitimate targets according to international law. The day the history of this war is written, the media that serve as spokespersons for Hamas should occupy a place of shame and infamy, for the way in which they have helped a criminal and anti-Semitic gang to profit from the brutal attack perpetrated against Israel on October 7. Some of us will never forget this.

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