Israel publishes names of terrorists who used a school as base

The IDF dismantle the Hamas hoax that was used by Sánchez to slander Israel

Trusting terrorists is never a good idea, and the socialist Pedro Sánchez is now exposed for doing precisely that.

Sanchez's new favor to Hamas in another attempt to cover up his wife's scandal
An event of Sánchez's communist allies justifies Hamas in Spanish Parliament

Sánchez used a Hamas hoax to accuse Israel of committing genocide

Yesterday, Sánchez announced that he joins the accusation of "genocide" presented by South Africa against Israel at the International Criminal Court (ICC). Let us remember that the ultra-left government of South Africa is an ally of Hamas. In his statement (you can see the video here), Sánchez alleged the Israeli attack on a school in Gaza, stating that it caused "27 deathly victims", as a reason to join this South African initiative. Sánchez did not say it expressly, but he implied that the Israelis had murdered some schoolchildren. As I already pointed out here, that information came from the so-called "Gaza Ministry of Health", one of Hamas's fronts.

Israel publishes names of terrorists who used UN school as base

While this hoax continued to spread through the media, this Thursday night, the Forces of Israel Defense (IDF) have communicated the following:

"Overnight, the IDF conducted a precise intelligence-based strike targeted dozens of Kamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists hiding inside a UN School in Gaza. Some of these terrorists participated in the Hamas Massacre of October 7th. I will soon reveal the identities of some of the terrorists we eliminated. The terrorists were operating from this UN school, they were planning and conducting attacks from inside classrooms of this UNRWA school. Our precise strike was based on concrete intelligence from multiple sources."

Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, IDF spokesman, added:

"Our intelligence indicated that the terrorists were oper acting from inside these three classrooms. We delayed our strike twice because we identified civilians in the area. We had aerial surveillance that been that had been monitoring the Hamas compound for a few days. We conducted the strike once our intelligence and surveillance indicated that there were no women or children inside the Hamas compound, inside those classrooms. Despite the complex operational conditions, our Air Force used precise Munitions to Target the three specific classrooms that the terrorists were hiding inside here are some of the terrorists."

You can see here the video of Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari revealing this information and showing images of the UN school used by Hamas as a base for its terrorist activities:

The names of some of the terrorists eliminated by Israel in that attack already appear in the video. You can see here an image with their identities that has been published by the IDF. This image includes the names of two Hamas terrorists and seven Islamic Jihad terrorists.

+ 20:29h: The IDF has released the identities of eight more terrorists eliminated in the Israeli attack on the UN school used as a base by Hamas:

Using a school for terrorist purposes is a war crime

As Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari has pointed out, terrorists' use of schools and other civilian facilities for their activities constitutes a war crime under international law, as does using the civilian population as human shields, to protect themselves from possible Israeli attacks. Israel is waging a war against criminals who hide behind children and women, against terrorists who use the civilian population of Gaza as their hostage, putting them in grave danger.

Sánchez must resign: his favors to Hamas are intolerable

As a Spanish citizen, I feel ashamed to see my government giving credence to the hoaxes and propaganda of Hamas, which appears at the list of terrorist organizations of the European Union. What Sánchez did yesterday is use a Hamas lie to launch a very serious slander against a democratic country that is defending itself from attacks by terrorists. Spain does not deserve to be governed by unscrupulous politicians who do favors for Hamas murderers. What Sánchez should do is resign. His actions in relation to Hamas are a scandal and a shame for all of Europe.

The UN must explain the use of its school by terrorists

For the rest, the UN must give explanations about the use that terrorists are making of its facilities in Gaza. This is not the first time that facilities of this international organization have been compromised due to the use that Hamas and Islamic Jihad make of them as military bases. The UN cannot continue to evade its responsibility for the use of its facilities in Gaza as terrorist bases and for the destination of the funds allocated to that organization for its agency in Gaza.

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