PP and PSOE pretend to be rivals but have been acting as allies in the EU

The deception of the 'Grand Coalition' of Brussels that only Vox is denouncing in Spain

This Sunday's European election campaign could be summarized as a big joke by some parties.

Feijóo cannot get Von der Leyen to make even the slightest criticism of Sánchez at a PP event
Hungary and Poland yes, Spain no: the reasons for the leftist bias of the European Commission

The 'Grand Coalition' that has been governing the EU for years

Let's look at the case of Spain. As in previous campaigns, these elections have been an exchange of criticism between the socialists of the PSOE and the centrists of the Popular Party, against the background of the corruption scandal affecting Pedro Sánchez's wife. Many voters believe that voting for one party or another means preventing the rival from winning and this is not the case, because socialists and centrists are allies in Brussels.

As I already pointed out in 2021, Ursula von der Leyen has headed a European Commission made up of socialists and popularists, as well as the center-left of Renew Europe. A few days ago, a newspaper very close to the Popular Party referred to that alliance as the "Grand Coalition" (with capital letters, as if it were already an institution), and defined it as < em>"the traditional centrist coalition of popular, socialists and liberals that has governed the EU for decades."

Von der Leyen's party wants to repeat its alliance with the socialists

A month ago, Daniel Caspary, the president of the German CDU delegation (Von der Leyen's party) in the European Parliament, defended "a stable majority together with the socialists." Caspary defended an alliance with the left and with Renew as "the ideal case in Europe", as long as these traditional partners of the European People's Party guarantee Von der Leyen's re-election. he even opened the doors to the Greens, a group that includes far-left parties such as Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC).

The policies that popular and socialists have promoted together in the EU

It would not be bad to ask many voters a simple question: do you know that if you vote for the PP, your vote will serve to support an alliance with the socialists? This coalition has served until now to convert the European Commission Von der Leyen in one more socialist government, which has acted as a steamroller against conservative governments, launching persecution against them motivated by ideological causes. Let us remember that populars, socialists and communists united their votes in Brussels to promote abortion and gender ideology.

The coincidence has been so extensive that the PP and the PSOE have voted the same 89% of the time in the European Parliament, supporting the same social democratic policies that are destroying the European primary sector, for the sake of an ecological fanaticism that seems determined to ruin our farmers, ranchers and fishermen.

Those parties they have also promoted policies to make private vehicles more expensive, turning them into a luxury object within the reach of fewer and fewer Europeans. Socialists and popular people have been the promoters of an interventionist policy based on hyperregulation, imposing more and more regulations without any debate, without consulting the affected sectors and increasingly diminishing our freedoms. A despotic policy that has contributed to generating more and more disaffection towards the community institutions and towards the European Union itself, converted into a megastate that controls our lives in an increasingly authoritarian way.

The PP allies itself with the PSOE in Brussels and now complains about Vox's criticism

In Spain, the only party that is explaining these things is Vox, because it is not part of that "Grand Coalition" and because it has been denouncing its policies for years. Yesterday, when Santiago Abascal stated that wants these elections to be a setback for Sánchez and for the PP, what he was saying is what many Spanish voters think, that we see that the PP is allying itself with the PSOE in Brussels while they pretend to be rivals in Spain.

Yesterday, Feijóo complained that Abascal dedicates 50% of his time to criticizing the PSOE and another 50% to criticizing the PP. What is Vox supposed to do when the PP allies itself with the PSOE in Brussels? If the PP does not want to receive the same percentage of criticism as the PSOE, what it should do is break its coalition with the socialists in Brussels. Instead, Feijóo continues to support Von der Leyen, who does not criticize Sánchezbecause he needs the support of the socialists for his re-election .

A false plebiscite between Sánchez and Feijóo

Insisting on the deception, Feijóo stated: "If we all go to vote, all of us who want Sánchez to leave and take a ballot, the Popular Party ballot, Sánchez leaves, sure he will get whatever it is, and there is a majority of Spaniards who want Sánchez not to be president of the Government." Both Feijóo and Sánchez present these elections as a plebiscite between them, but the reality It is very different. To begin with, we are not facing a general election. Sánchez is not running in these elections. And what the PP intends is to repeat its alliance with the socialists. What Feijóo does is lie.

My vote will be of principles and it will be for Vox

For my part, I am very clear about it. This Sunday I will go to vote in accordance with the liberal-conservative principles that I have been defending here for years, principles that clash head-on with the politics that the PP and the PSOE have been pursuing in Brussels. So that, my vote will go to Vox, whose principles are very clear and which is the party that has been doing excellent work in Brussels during these five years that it has been in the European Parliament. An excellent job of defending life, our freedoms, our national sovereignty, our borders, our security and our civilization against the "Grand Coalition" and also against the friends of Hamas and Putin .


Photo: Vox.

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